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Nuclear Masses and Binding Energy Lesson 3. Nuclear Masses Nuclear masses and atomic masses Because B electron (Z)is so small, it is neglected in most.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Masses and Binding Energy Lesson 3. Nuclear Masses Nuclear masses and atomic masses Because B electron (Z)is so small, it is neglected in most."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Masses and Binding Energy Lesson 3

2 Nuclear Masses Nuclear masses and atomic masses Because B electron (Z)is so small, it is neglected in most situations.

3 Mass Changes in Beta Decay  - decay  + decay

4 Mass Changes in Beta Decay EC decay Conclusion: All calculations can be done with atomic masses

5 Nomenclature Sign convention: Q=(masses reactants -masses products )c 2 Q has the opposite sign as  H Q=+ exothermic Q=- endothermic

6 Nomenclature Total binding energy, B tot (A,Z) B tot (A,Z)=[Z(M( 1 H))+(A-Z)M(n)-M(A,Z)]c 2 Binding energy per nucleon B ave (A,Z)= B tot (A,Z)/A Mass excess (  ) M(A,Z)-A See appendix of book for mass tables

7 Nomenclature Packing fraction (M-A)/A Separation energy, S S n =[M(A-1,Z)+M(n)-M(A,Z)]c 2 S p =[M(A-1,Z-1)+M( 1 H)-M(A,Z)]c 2

8 Binding energy per nucleon

9 Separation energy systematics

10 Abundances

11 Semi-empirical mass equation Terms Volume a v A Surface -a s A 2/3 Coulomb -a c Z 2 /A 1/3

12 Asymmetry term To make A Z from Z=N=A/2, need to move q protons q  in energy, thus the work involved is q 2  =(N-Z) 2  /4. If we add that  =1/A, we are done.

13 Pairing term AZN# stable eee 201 oeo 69 ooe 61 eoo 4

14 Relative importance of terms

15 Values of coefficients

16 Modern version of semi- empirical mass equation (Myers and Swiatecki)


18 Mass parabolas and Valley of beta stability This is the equation of a parabola, a+bZ+cZ 2




22 Where is the minimum of the parabolas?

23 Valley of Beta Stability


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