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ICFA Mini-Workshop on Start-to-End Simulations for X-Ray FELs DESY-Zeuthen.

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Presentation on theme: "ICFA Mini-Workshop on Start-to-End Simulations for X-Ray FELs DESY-Zeuthen."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICFA Mini-Workshop on Start-to-End Simulations for X-Ray FELs DESY-Zeuthen

2 X-ray FELs will be the first multi-million accelerator projects with key performance depending exponentially on beam quality. New beam parameter regime & effects Reliable understanding of beam dynamics of paramount importance Power gain length

3 Program is focussed on work done on benchmark-scenarios based on LCLS and TESLA XFEL design Thanks to program committee Jean-Paul Carneiro Paul Emma Torsten Limberg Heinz-Dieter Nuhn - and to participants! TTF2 FEL, the VUV FEL at the TESLA Test Facility will play a poineering role

4 1 GeV – 6 nm Norm. emittance: 2 mrad mm FWHM FEL pulse length: ca. 100 fs Peak current 2500 A Linac rep. rate 10 Hz Max. pulse rate 72 000 TTF2FEL Schedule: 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Linac commissioning Injector installation Injector commissioning Complete vacuum installation Beam through undulator First Lasing @ 30 nm Saturation @30 nm First users @ 30 nm Tuning 30 – 120 nm Full beam current Installation of seeding and 3rd Harm. RF system 6 nm

5 Remarks on scientific program: This is, by intention, a small workshop -- take your chance and be active ! long lunch breaks for informal discussions and meetings Meeting rooms available! No printed proceedings, but material collected and posted on internet Visits planned: PITZ photoinjector test stand: Tuesday, 14:30h BESSY: Friday, 22. August, bus leaving DESY 15:30h

6 Social events Wednesday, August 20th 14:00 Departure Bus Downtown 15:00 – 16:00 Visit „Schloss Charlottenburg“ 16:15 Ship starting from Charlottenburg along the Spree river 17:15 Stop at “Alte Börse” ; Visit of the “Friedrichswerdersche Kirche” 18:15 continuing cruise to Treptow 19:00 Restaurant Zenner (“Biergarten”); buffet covered by fee, drinks pay yourself 21:00 Bus leaving for DESY / Seehotel Thursday, August 21st 16:30 Excursion Berlin City 18:30 1 h time for private activities (Shopping). 19:30 DINNER at “Französischer Hof” (Gendarmenmarkt) 22:00 Bus leaving from Gendarmenmarkt for Zeuthen

7 If you need any assistance, don‘t hesitate to contact workshop secretariat


9 For participants staying at Seehotel: Shuttle service: In the morning: DESY shuttle bus leaves 8:10h from main entrance Taxi boat leaves 8:00 from the hotel pier EXCEPT for Thursday several private cars Any other time: Hotel shuttle can be called by phone e.g. to pick you up at S-Bahn station

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