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EHealth management for people living with HIV/ Aids joint WHO-NST-UIT Workshop 11-12 June 2005 Tromsø.

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Presentation on theme: "EHealth management for people living with HIV/ Aids joint WHO-NST-UIT Workshop 11-12 June 2005 Tromsø."— Presentation transcript:

1 eHealth management for people living with HIV/ Aids joint WHO-NST-UIT Workshop 11-12 June 2005 Tromsø

2 background Based on WHO-CC Terms of Reference Internet search Feb 2004 searching for eHealth projects and services for HIV/Aids –Lots of hits! –Most on general information –Some on distance education and capacity building –Very few supporting direct patient care (prisons in the US)

3 This is NST MoD NST WHO CC Non for profit

4 Aim of the workshop To explore the potentials for telemedicine in health management for people living with HIV/Aids in the developing world To create an international environment for co- operation To create a platform (human and technologically) for sharing information To develop a list of joint actions to be presented for WHO and international policy- makers.

5 practicalities Breaks and lunches Restrooms Doors and going out Transport to hotel/concert arena Internet and e-mail services Transport tomorrow morning: Share taxi 46664 Arctic Expert panel Sunday 16-19

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