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Latin I Culture Unit. Greek Name: Zeus Portfolio: Sky, Justice, Hospitality, Rulers, Fatum (Fate) Symbols: Lightning bolt, scepter, Aegis (breastplate),

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Presentation on theme: "Latin I Culture Unit. Greek Name: Zeus Portfolio: Sky, Justice, Hospitality, Rulers, Fatum (Fate) Symbols: Lightning bolt, scepter, Aegis (breastplate),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin I Culture Unit


3 Greek Name: Zeus Portfolio: Sky, Justice, Hospitality, Rulers, Fatum (Fate) Symbols: Lightning bolt, scepter, Aegis (breastplate), eagle, oak tree Odd facts –Wife is Iuno –All gods are his brothers, sisters, or children –King of Gods and Men –Many great heroes are his children (Hercules, Perseus, etc.)


5 Greek Name: Hera Portfolio: Earth, Marriage, Birth, Women (mothers and wives), Queens Symbol: Peacock Odd facts –Queen of Gods and Men –Very jealous of her husband’s affairs and other children –Often called “ox-eyed” and “slim-ankled” in literature


7 Greek name: Poseidon Portfolio: Seas and all water, Earthquakes, Storms Symbol: Trident, Horse Odd facts –May have been a sky god once, with the trident as a lightning bolt –Married the sea nymph Amphitrite –Made the horse (and other animals) to impress Ceres


9 Greek Name: Demeter Portfolio: Earth, cultured vegetation, the seasons Symbol: Sheaf of wheat Odd facts –Worshiped by a mystery cult at the city of Eleusis –With Iupiter, has a daughter named Proserpina –English word “cereal” derived from her name


11 Greek Name: Hades Portfolio: Underworld, the dead, riches Symbols: Bident, cap of invisibility Odd facts –Lives in Underworld with Proserpina (wife), Cerberus, Charon, Somnus, Mors, and others –Also called Dis or Dispater by Romans –NOT EVIL! Also, not to be confused with Death


13 Greek Name: Hestia Portfolio: Beneficial Fire, Hearth and Home Symbol: Fire, the Hearth Odd facts –One of three unwed goddesses –Usually considered the first born of the gods –Served in Rome by the priesthood of Vestal Virgins, who keep the central fire of the city burning

14 Image and Sound Credits

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