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How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich. The most important subject we can talk about … that’s your health.

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Presentation on theme: "How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich. The most important subject we can talk about … that’s your health."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich

2 The most important subject we can talk about … that’s your health.

3 Time-tested principles, proven strategies and best-kept secrets That thousands of wellness doctors use for themselves and their families.

4 Do you know? Every 30 seconds in the United States, someone files for bankruptcy as a result of the treatment they receive for a serious health problem? -- according to researchers at Harvard University

5 Do you know? That’s over 50% of all personal bankruptcy filings affecting over two million Americans every year. -- researchers at Harvard University

6 Do you know? “… three-quarters of the medically bankrupt had health insurance at the time of their illness.” -- researchers at Harvard University

7 “Nobody’s safe.” -- Elizabeth Warren a law professor at Harvard University

8 Inconvenient Truths of Health Care “America is in serious financial trouble.” -- David Walker U.S. Comptroller General (America’s top accountant)

9 Inconvenient Truths of Health Care “America and Americans are going bankrupt due to health care … or dare I say – lack of caring for our health.” -- Discover Wellness, How Staying Health Can Make You Rich

10 The American Lifestyle Pain = stop exercising + gain weight + poor posture + unhealthy thinking + poor habits

11 The American Lifestyle Depression High Blood Pressure Elevated Cholesterol Increased Risk of Preventable Diseases Heart Disease CancerDiabetes OBESITY Stress Related Conditions … And Much More

12 The American Lifestyle The cycle continues… Increased Pain = increased weight gain + unhealthy posture + depressed thinking + destructive habits.

13 The American Lifestyle Are You Living Sick?

14 America Spends $2 trillion per year on health care … really… sick care.

15 America Spends More than 15% of every dollar spent in America … goes toward health care

16 America Spends More than 70% of our health care Dollars treating preventative lifestyle-related chronic diseases.

17 America Spends Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity, Stress Related Conditions, Chronic Pain and Adverse Drug Reactions The Seven Conditions causing America’s #1 crisis

18 America Spends $6,280 Each and every man, woman and child spends per year on medical care.

19 America Spends If you and your children didn’t spend $6,280 each on health care last year, –that means your neighbors and coworkers spent your share and you still paid for it. –A family of four = $25,120 per year

20 Now, If you’re thinking to yourself… I’m not spending that much on health care – this isn’t my problem… why should I care? I’m healthy, I feel good, look good, my family is healthy

21 Think for a moment… Starbucks spends more money on health insurance than they do on coffee. General Motors spends more money on health insurance than they do on steel for their cars.

22 Think for a moment… How do you think they pay for that? They pass the costs on to us – their customers.

23 Every time you spend: $1.95 at Starbucks for a cup of coffee, –$.30 goes to cover medical costs. $10 for a movie ticket, –$1.50 goes to cover medical costs. $20 for a pizza, –$3 goes to cover medical costs. $50 for a tank of gas, –$7.50 goes to cover medical costs.

24 Every time you spend: $250 for an airline ticket, –$37.50 goes to cover medical costs. $1,000 on auto repairs, –$150 goes to cover medical costs. $2,500 on a plasma television, –$375 goes to cover medical costs. $25,000 on a new car, –$1,666 goes to cover medical costs.

25 We’re all paying the bill … Increased prices, Increased taxes, Increased premiums

26 How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich

27 What difference would it make in your financial life if you had extra hundreds—perhaps thousands of dollars—more per month to put into your savings account or to invest?

28 Did you know that according to a recent study published in Health Affairs, the average health care cost per American – every man, woman and child in the United States – is $6,280 per year ?

29 Over 70% of health care dollars are being spent on treating the effects of preventable diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, stress related conditions, chronic pain and the adverse drug reactions taken to treat these conditions.

30 The reason we are all paying so much in health care is because there are so many people with preventable conditions getting sick, requiring expensive and dangerous drugs and surgeries. Yet… herein lies the opportunity.

31 Ten Steps to Wealth through Health

32 Health Savings Account allows you to deposit thousands of dollars per year…

33 to pay for qualified medical expenses including deductibles, co- payments, vision, chiropractic, health products recommended by a doctor and over the counter medications. (2007: up to $ 2,850 individual, $5,650 family)

34 In order to qualify for a Health Savings Account, you must have a Qualified High Deductible Health Plan.

35 A health insurance plan that has a minimum deductible of $1,100 for self and $2,200 for self and family coverage as of 2007 (these figures are adjusted annually)

36 It’s really pretty simple – most financial institutions offer these accounts and provide you with a debit card to pay for your qualified medical expenses directly from your account.

37 You have greater freedom because you can choose to spend your money on whichever doctors you want to, so you are not limited to only the doctors that your insurance company chooses. HSA Benefits

38 If you begin at an early enough age, you can accumulate hundreds of thousands of dollars for retirement and never have to pay taxes on it. HSA Benefits

39 You can purchase these plans for yourself and therefore, not be tied to one employer where you have to work for the benefits. HSA Benefits

40 What are some other ways you can build wealth through better health ?

41 Stay well and save the money that you would be paying for pharmaceutical co-payments.

42 Get a part-time job exercising for money or pay for nutritional supplements by participating in a network-marketing program. Take the extra money and invest it.

43 Redirect the money you spend on things that are destructive to your health into things that are constructive to your health. If you think about it, you can find $25-$100+ per month that you are presently spending on destroying your health and instead, invest it in your future.

44 Most employers have an arrangement with a local fitness center. If your employer is willing to subsidize you, take the money that you would spend on a membership and invest it while staying well.

45 Most employers offer wellness programs, such as smoking cessation, weight loss and stress management, and even offer incentives to participate because it is in both of your best interests for you to stay well. Take advantage of any incentives your employer is offering and invest it.

46 Stop spending money on unhealthy fast food and prepare fresh wholesome meals at home and bring meals to work. It will be both healthier for you and save you thousands of dollars over time.

47 When you feel better, you will save thousands of dollars on over-the- counter medications that are just masking your symptoms anyway. Stay healthier by not living on unnecessary medications and invest the money for your future.

48 Think about your performance at work. If you felt better and performed better, could you make more money? Would you have the energy to get a part-time job or turn a hobby into a home-based business that could provide additional income ?

49 If you have a pre-existing condition and go to change your health insurance, unless you work for a big company, your condition can cost you thousands of dollars in increased premiums—even if it is only a minor condition. Staying well will prevent you from paying these increased premiums. Invest the savings for your financial future.

50 Each of these recommendations can help you save hundreds of dollars.

51 Together, they can help you save thousands over time.

52 None of them have to cost you anything and they will all help you improve your health over and above any financial benefits.

53 People who are free from chronic pain, who are active, and who feel their best are the people who are also the happiest with themselves, nicest to others and best able to contribute to their employers, families and communities.

54 They have the most rewarding relationships and spend the least on medical expenses. It is this combination of factors that make people RICH.

55 The Ultimate Solution To America’s Health Care Crisis Yes, it is true… –America is rapidly heading toward economic disaster due to skyrocketing health care costs.

56 The Ultimate Solution To America’s Health Care Crisis Who’s going to fix our health care system? We Are!

57 The Ultimate Solution To America’s Health Care Crisis Discover Wellness … It works, if you live it… it doesn’t, if you don’t.

58 The Ultimate Solution To America’s Health Care Crisis My message to you today is one of hope. It is time for us to work together to put the health and the care back into health care.

59 If you choose to… Discover Wellness, the ultimate solution to America’s health care crisis… You will discover… that staying healthy CAN make you rich.

60 Thank You

61 How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich

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