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Labor Labor Unrest: 1870-1900 Knights of Labor - 1868 Terence Powderly “An injury to one is the concern of all!” Mother Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Labor Labor Unrest: 1870-1900 Knights of Labor - 1868 Terence Powderly “An injury to one is the concern of all!” Mother Jones."— Presentation transcript:


2 Labor

3 Labor Unrest: 1870-1900

4 Knights of Labor - 1868 Terence Powderly “An injury to one is the concern of all!” Mother Jones

5 Haymarket Riot (1886) McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.



8 Caption: Justice hurling a bomb

9 Caption: Liberty is not Anarchy


11 The American Federation of Labor -1886 Sam Gompers Skilled Workers only Collective bargaining Used strikes as his major tactic. Successes: Higher wages, shorter workweeks for skilled workers

12 How the AFL Would Help the Workers ùSkilled Workers Only ùNational Legislation. ùStrike Fund. ùPrevented disputes among craft unions. ùMediated disputes between management and labor. ùPushed for closed shops

13 A Striker Confronts a SCAB

14 The “Corporate Bully-Boys” Pinkerton Agents

15 Homestead Steel Strike (1892) Crushed by Harrison The Amalgamated Association of Iron & Steel Workers Carnegie’s Homestead Steel Works outside Pittsburgh

16 President Grover Cleveland Crushes Pullman Strike (1894) “If it takes the entire army and navy to deliver a postal card in Chicago, that card will be delivered!”

17 Management vs. Labor “Tools” of Management “Tools” of Labor  “scabs”  P. R. campaign  Pinkertons  lockout  blacklisting  yellow-dog contracts  court injunctions  open shop  boycotts  sympathy demonstrations  informational picketing  closed shops  organized strikes  “wildcat” strikes

18 Early Union Efforts are generally unsuccessful Owners did not allow union meetings Made employees sign “yellow-dog contracts” – no strikes The Sherman Antitrust Act against labor – said a strike, picket line, boycott would hurt interstate trade = federal troops 14 th Amendment used to protect corporations. Blackballed union workers

19 Women in the Labor Movement Mother Jones – Mary Harris Jones Led miners in strikes. Exposes the cruelties of child labor – led 80 mill children with deformities and injuries to President Roosevelt’s home. Influenced child labor laws. One of the founding members of the I. W. W. in 1905.

20 Labor Union Membership

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