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@Ericsls #ifontysevent. Some theorems Current exponential technological growth is powered by computer technology.

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Presentation on theme: "@Ericsls #ifontysevent. Some theorems Current exponential technological growth is powered by computer technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 @Ericsls #ifontysevent

2 Some theorems Current exponential technological growth is powered by computer technology

3 Some theorems Smart-phone = Tablet = Computer = Calculator ?

4 Are we able to describe our environment in enough detail to translate it accurately to numeric information? Our reality in # Is there anything that can’t be translated numerical?

5 The faster the calculator …….. Our reality in # The more complex and realistic the manipulation of reality can and will become!

6 Some Moore theorems Moore’s law: Chip density doubles every 12-18 months. This means that memory sizes, processor power, etc. all follow the same exponential curve.

7 Exponential ?

8 Every given time interval a doubling of power, capacity and possibilities What does it mean? looking ahead 5 years equals looking back 15 years

9 1998 2014 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 ? What does it mean? Who could have predicted all this in 1997?

10 The future is near! But is it predictable?


12 Predictions on mobile It gets wearable It gets ruggedized

13 Predictions on mobile It gets flexible

14 Predictions on mobile new displays new interactions

15 Predictions on mobile New displays It gets Flexible It gets wearable It gets ruggedized Longlive energy It has supersensors It is intelligent It is ultra-connected New interactions Huge computing power

16 But………………… What services will it provide for education?

17 Opinions…….. Supersensor to monitor student progress Mobile dashboard for educational progress Interactive Local Social Media ……… Make it your own …… ……………………. Ideas

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