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 Initial attraction is a “surface characteristic”  Early relationships can be exciting, but they can also cause feelings of rejection and pain.  It.

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2  Initial attraction is a “surface characteristic”  Early relationships can be exciting, but they can also cause feelings of rejection and pain.  It feels good to have someone interested in you!  Everyone experiences being ‘dumped’  Dating is only one part of development as a teen  Adolescent relationships are like a fire-  There is NO magic potion!


4  I expect someone to do things with, a companion.  I hope for a date that is a friend, to understand and accept me.  I want someone that has similar values and standards.  I expect my date to have a pleasant personality and to be fun to be with\  I want someone that’s good-looking & smart- proud to be seen with.  I need to be able to trust my date and be honest with them.  I want them to treat my family/friends with respect  I expect to live up to these expectations also

5  Part of growing up- has benefits- time to look forward to and enjoy the experience  Helps meet people and begin selection process  Introduced new social settings  New experiences that you otherwise may not have taken advantage of  Gives you companionship


7  Personal answer... But consider the following options:  When you feel socially ready  Parent’s permission  The younger you start, the more likely you are to move to early pairing and single dating. These have concerns.  When YOU are ready, not your friends. Everyone has a different dating time clock.  Girls are usually ready before boys therefore girls are more likely to date older boys.

8  Someone you’re attracted to!  Physically & by Personality (fun, talented, etc.)  Close to age  The older the date is, the more they may expect from you in terms of involvement, personal commitment, or physical intimacy. Beware older person looking for a young, innocent date. Try not to increase more than 2-3 year age gap  Someone your Parents approve of  Parents can be protective. Make sure you talk things over and try to resolve any issues. Go to dinner with them- let them get to know each other!  Someone with similar values and standards  You both will be more comfortable and may avoid embarrassing or dangerous situations

9 Healthy/Good MotivesUnhealthy/Bad Motives  Share social experiences  Meet new people  Get to know friends better  Have fun  Try new experiences  Go to new places  To be seen socially with the right people  Use another for the places they can take them  To make someone else jealous  Use another for the presents they can buy them  Use another for emotional support to get over another person...”Re-bounding”  Use another person for physical gratification, or date them expecting physical favors

10  1. To Be Yourself  2. An enjoyable, safe date  3. Have your values respected  4. Care for and protect your body  5. Est. and protect your reputation  6. Be free from guilt and fear  7. Say no


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