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Christian Eguaras Sonny Kuo Ted Chung Jesly Escalante.

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1 Christian Eguaras Sonny Kuo Ted Chung Jesly Escalante


3 Plato was born to aristocratic family As a child, his father died, and his mother married Pyrilampes, an associate of Pericles Plato witnessed the death of Socrates In 387, Plato founded the Academy in Athens This institution was considered as Europe’s first university

4 During the Renaissance, Platonic influence was a main focus at the Florence Academy In England, Platonism was revived by Ralph Cudworth and the Cambridge Platonists Influence spread to the 20 th Century through people like Alfred North Whitehead


6 Thought to be born on island of Samos Born to Phythias and Mnesarchus Left Croton in Southern Italy Fled from Polycrates Formed secret society, called themselves Mathematikoi Followed structured life of common meals, exercise, reading, exercise, and philosophical study

7 Was a lonian mathematician and philosopher “father of numbers” Believed everything related to math Many legends – hard to tell what his life and teachings were like Influenced by Thales and his pupil Anaximander Laws of nature could be derived from pure mathematics.

8 Hippocrates

9 Hippocrates’ Life Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. He was referred to as the Father of Medicine Hippocrates taught others that diseases came from natural causes He observed many patients and recorded their symptoms He recorded illnesses such as pneumonia, tetanus, tuberculosis, mumps, and arthritis

10 Hippocrates’ discoveries Hippocrates said that the body can heal by itself and return to good health He said that a patient should eat moderate amounts of food and exercise moderately Hippocrates said that doctors should wash their hands before treating patients He said that the operating room should be well lit and look cheerful because patients in good spirit will heal faster

11 Hippocrates’ accomplishments Hippocrates was the first physician to know that medicine was science, not religion He wrote Hippocrates’ Oath, which every doctor to this day says To this day, many doctors practice what Hippocrates discovered many years ago.


13 Euclid Euclid- Was a Greek mathematician who taught at Alexandria, Egypt. He is known as the father of Geometry. Euclid used geometry from what the Egyptians had device The book is called Elements consisting of 13 books about theorems Postulates and proofs. It is considered one of the best textbooks ever written

14 Euclid It was required to know all in this book back in the medieval universities such as Oxford to get a master in Arts. Not until the 20th Century the book stop being so important that all educated People had to read. It is still thought very rarely as introduction to geometry today This book was proven instrumental not only in logic but science today.

15 Bibliography ements ements e.htm#Geometry e.htm#Geometry

16 Works Cited Wikipedia. "Pythagoras." Wikipedia. 27 Sept. 2005. O'connor, J J., and E F. Robertson. "Pythagoras of Samos." 1 Jan. 1999. School of Mathematics and Statistics. 27 Sept. 2005.

17 Works Cited cont’d rates.html rates.html library/historical/antiqua/texto.htm library/historical/antiqua/texto.htm m m m m

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