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Chapter 5/Section 4 The Spread Of Greek Culture. I. Greek Culture Spreads (pgs. 182 – 183) Hellenistic cities became centers of learning and culture.

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1 Chapter 5/Section 4 The Spread Of Greek Culture

2 I. Greek Culture Spreads (pgs. 182 – 183) Hellenistic cities became centers of learning and culture. Architecture boomed with new cities being founded and old ones being rebuilt. Greek sculptors filled cities with thousands of statues.

3 Literature and Theater The Hellenistic Age produced a large body of literature, although very little has survived. One that did survive was a epic poem called Argonautica by Appolonius (a*phu*loh*nee*uhs). Another poet, Theocritus (thee*ah*kruh*tuhs), wrote short stories about beauty and nature (pastoral poetry). One of the best known playwrights was Menander (muh*nan*duhr)

4 II. Philosophy (pg. 184) The two most important philosophers during the Hellenistic Era were Epicurus and Zeno. Epicurus Founded Epicureanism Taught that happiness was the goal of life and should avoid politics and public service. Zeno Founded Stoicism Taught that happiness comes from following reason rather than emotions, and had a duty to serve their city.

5 Established the science of physics – figured out the value of pi (used to measure the area of circles) “Solid Geometry “ – study of spheres and cylinders Explained the lever and compound pulley Archimedes Established that Earth revolves around the sunFigured out that Earth is round Measured Earth’s circumference within 185 miles of actual distance Created a system to explain how planets and stars move Greek Scientists/Mathematicians and Their Contributions Known as the “Father of Medicine” First to write a medical code of good behavior Expanded knowledge of mathematics and astronomyFirst to establish the principles of geometry Pythagorean Theorem – used to determine the length of the sides of a triangle Greek mathematician who wrote about “plane geometry” that shows how points, lines, angles, and surfaces relate to one another Wrote book, Elements Aristarchus Eratosthenes Euclid Hipparchus Hippocrates Hypatia Pythagoras

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