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What is SNA?  A pre-professional organization designed to give student nurses a voice in the nursing program, nursing education and in the community.

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2 What is SNA?  A pre-professional organization designed to give student nurses a voice in the nursing program, nursing education and in the community.  We are a constituent member of the MNSA and NSNA, which gives us an opportunity to work with nursing students in Michigan and around the country!

3 Members to Remember Board of Directors  President: Regina Kirwin  Vice President: Jenna Buchman  Treasurer: Andrew Deschaine  Secretary: Taylor Hansen  Communications Director: Kendall Murphy  Community Wellness Director: Ashley Town  Community Health Director: Erin Craft-Otterbacher  Image & BTN Director: Nicole Block  Membership Director: Jenna Kandow  Curriculum Director: Nick VanOosten Advisors and Blood Drive Coordinator  Staff Advisor: Angela Caruso  Faculty Advisor: Nancy Carlson  Blood Drive Coordinator: Jennifer Awad

4 General Member  Delegate This is the next step of involvement and leadership! General Member =  No meeting attendance required  Be as involved as you desire  2 hours of volunteering = 1 LIC Point Delegate =  Attendance is required (allowed 2 unexcused absences)  Must serve on a committee (of your choice)  Fulfilling your delegate duties (attendance and committee duties) = 3 points (delegate status) + 1 point (committee) +  1 ½ hour of volunteering = 1 LIC Point  Leadership in your class  Voting rights  Eligible to become a board member after one semester

5 Delegate Status  Attend SNA meetings. Delegates are permitted to miss two meetings unexcused. They must contact both the President and Secretary via email to notify them of their absence.  Keeping your classmates informed by…  Sending out meeting reminders  In class announcements about upcoming SNA events  Emailing out meeting minutes

6 LIC Points  Leadership Initiative Credit (LIC) are extra credit points given to nursing students for involvement in bettering the mind, body, and spirit of the community.  Events can be found on the events page on OrgSync  RSVP and sign up to participate (shown later)  Students can also earn LIC points for taking on more involvement and responsibility in SNA. **In our Bylaws, you can find how many points you get for different positions. (Article XIV. Section 1d.)

7 LIC points cont’d  LIC forms are due at 5:00pm on December 1 st  There will be NO LIC forms accepted after this deadline for any reason  LIC points are calculated by HPP (hours per point)  Non-SNA members- 3 HPP  General Members- 2HPP  Delegate- 1.5 HPP  Board Member- 1 HPP  The amount of hours volunteered will be divided by your HPP. Ex: 10 hours volunteered by a general member will give that member 5 LIC points.

8 OrgSync  OrgSync is where you will find all events SNA and LIC.  All of you should be logged in to OrgSync, if you are not it is super easy and you can ask one of your board members or delegates for help.  RSVPing  When you find an event that you would like to participate in, read the description!! This is where you will find out more about the event; any paperwork that needs to be completed, dress code, where to meet etc.  Due to popularity of events, spots fill fast and some have a cap of 5 or so students. RSVPing will secure your spot!! (click attending as you would to a Facebook event)

9 What’s next?  In OrgSync under “Winter 2014” you will find:  LIC form- that you are encouraged to begin filling out now and adding to for the entirety of the semester  Bylaws- your resource for any questions about SNA  Calendar- allowing you to find dates and times for SNA meetings  Delegate contract-to be filled out of you have any interest in becoming a delegate. Completed forms are to be sent to  A copy of this PowerPoint

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