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Internet2 Net+ Update Mark and Gabe IET May 29, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet2 Net+ Update Mark and Gabe IET May 29, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet2 Net+ Update Mark and Gabe IET May 29, 2013

2 Internet2 A not-for-profit with membership of: –220 U.S. universities –60 leading corporations –70 government agencies –38 regional and state education networks –More than 65 national research and education networking partners representing over 100 countries World-class network technology and innovation Federated identity management (InCommon) Service offerings to members (Net+)

3 Net+ Program Offer set of services from third-party vendors Federated authentication and authorization services available through InCommon Direct network connections to Internet2 (through CENIC) HIPAA/FERPA agreements for some services Reduced fees Waive ingress/egress fees for some services Leverage the power of much of higher education

4 Net+ Service Phases Net+ services follow a testing and evaluation process prior to general availability. A number of services are currently in the “pipeline”

5 Net+ Service Availability Status of various services: General Availability –, Merit, Duo Security, SafeNet, Windows Azure Early Adopter – DuraCloud, Windows Azure, Canvas, SeeVough Service Validation – Amazon Web Services, Crashplan, Dell Cloud, Desire2Learn, Office 365, Splunk, Adobe Connect, Fuze, Vidyo, DocuSign

6 Next Steps Work with UCOP (ITLC, OGC, Procurement, Risk) to make Net+ a priority Work on offering the following Net+ services: – –Crashplan –AWS –Azure IET considering ways to quickly and simply offer Net+ services to campus: –Develop service offerings desired by campus –Billing –Account provisioning –Contracting –Application administration –Support

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