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Planets on Parade Our Solar System Presented by Lisa Haws.

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Presentation on theme: "Planets on Parade Our Solar System Presented by Lisa Haws."— Presentation transcript:


2 Planets on Parade Our Solar System Presented by Lisa Haws

3 How many planets are in our solar system? Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

4 The Sun Biggest star in the Solar System Gives heat and light to every planet in our solar system If you could drive to the sun in your family car, it would take 150 years to get there!

5 Mercury Closest to the sun After Pluto, the smallest planet One day on Mercury is 59 Earth days!

6 Venus Second planet from the sun Called the Morning Star or the Evening Star One of Earth’s neighbors

7 Earth Third planet from the sun One moon Only planet where we know there is life!

8 Mars The Red Planet Named after the Roman god of war Very cold!

9 Jupiter Largest planet in our solar system Made of whirling gases Home of the Great Red Spot

10 Saturn Beautiful rings made of ice, rock and dust 22 moons Made of gas; so light it floats!

11 Uranus Tipped on its side 15 moons and 10 rings Smaller than Saturn and Jupiter

12 Neptune A stormy, windy planet Faint rings and eight moons Very cloudy

13 Pluto Smallest planet Hard, rocky and icy Trades places with Neptune

14 Asteroid Belt Between Mars and Jupiter Chunks of rocks circling the sun Separates rocky planets from gas planets

15 What would you like to do now? 1.Take the quiz.Take the quiz. 2.Watch the presentation again.Watch the presentation again. 3. Quit this presentationQuit this presentation

16 1. Why is the sun important? a. It is the biggest planet in our solar system. b. It is the biggest star in our solar system. c. It gives heat and light to every planet in our solar system. d. It makes our solar system pretty.

17 That is correct! Good job!

18 2. How many moons does the Earth have? a. It has two moons. b. It has no moons. c. It has one moon. d. It has three moons.

19 That is correct! Good job!

20 3. Which planet is the largest one in our Solar System? a. The sun. b. Mars. c. Jupiter. d. Mercury.

21 That is correct! Good job!

22 That is not correct. Try again…


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