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Forces in the Universe What is a force? What is a force? A push or a pull.

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Presentation on theme: "Forces in the Universe What is a force? What is a force? A push or a pull."— Presentation transcript:


2 Forces in the Universe

3 What is a force?

4 What is a force? A push or a pull

5 Isaac Newton

6 Isaac Newton 3 Laws of Motion Invented Calculus Universal Gravity Reflecting Telescope

7 Isaac Newton 3 Laws of Motion Invented Calculus Universal Gravity Reflecting Telescope …in about one year

8 1 st Law of Motion: the law of inertia

9 1 st Law of Motion: the law of inertia An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an outside force. An object in linear motion will remain in linear motion unless acted on by an outside force.

10 2 nd Law of Motion:



13 3 rd Law of Motion: the law of rockets

14 3 rd Law of Motion: the law of rockets For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

15 3 rd Law of Motion: how do rockets work? A rocket works by containing a chemical reaction that ejects gases from the bottom end of the rocket. The action is the ejection of the gases at high speed. The reaction is an equal but opposite force on the rocket upward. The ejected gas does not push against an atmosphere.


17 3 rd Law of Motion: You jump off of a step. You fall due to the force of gravity. How does Newton’s 3 rd law apply?


19 Four known forces in the Universe 1. 2. 3. 4. Gravity – attraction between all objects of mass

20 Four known forces in the Universe 1. 2. 3. Weak Nuclear – causes isolated neutrons to decay, source of radioactivity 4. Gravity – attraction between all objects of mass

21 Four known forces in the Universe 1. 2. Electricity & Magnetism – interaction of property of matter called charges 3. Weak Nuclear – causes isolated neutrons to decay, source of radioactivity 4. Gravity – attraction between all objects of mass

22 Four known forces in the Universe 1. Strong nuclear – short range force that binds protons together in the nuclei of atoms 2. Electricity & Magnetism – interaction of property of matter called charges 3. Weak Nuclear – causes isolated neutrons to decay, source of radioactivity 4. Gravity – attraction between all objects of mass

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