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A collaboration of education, business and community

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1 A collaboration of education, business and community
No Job Left Behind A collaboration of education, business and community

2 How the initiative started
Invited business and education to meet and discuss career readiness Agreed to work on two big issues To change perceptions to create a cultural shift about manufacturing To provide better linkage between school habits and work environment including soft skills ORIGINAL PARTNERS (10) Education (11) Businesses (3) EIEFES (4) Community

3 Educating ourselves

4 No job Left Behind promotes manufacturing careers and job readiness.
Working Groups MISSION No job Left Behind promotes manufacturing careers and job readiness. Skills Gap Survey Student/Career Connections Work Ethics Marketing/Image

5 Skills Gap Survey Committee
Worked with Lake Land GIS Dept to create a business database Used a survey format model from Vermilion Advantage Surveys administered in October 53 mailed 81 ed Results due by 10/29 Published report available 11/15

6 Student/Career Connections
Logged all interaction students have with industry Looked for gaps to fill Developed our first “Manufacturing Week” 10/27-31 142 students from five different school districts Touring three different businesses (we offered five)

7 Work Ethics Research Research Research Grading Rubric
Model programs in schools Packaged programs Free programs Grading Rubric Expectations at MS, HS and adult levels for Rubric

8 Marketing/Image Committee

9 Stepheny McMahon, PCED Sullivan Chamber & Economic Development
112 W. Harrison St. Sullivan, IL 61951 cell

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