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WORKFORCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Employment Trends in the District January 10, 2014 Vincent C. Gray, Mayor.

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Presentation on theme: "WORKFORCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Employment Trends in the District January 10, 2014 Vincent C. Gray, Mayor."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORKFORCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Employment Trends in the District January 10, 2014 Vincent C. Gray, Mayor

2 WORKFORCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA What is Labor Market Information? Labor Market Information collects and analyzes data about industry and occupational employment and wages. It also provides data on current and future demand for workers. Labor Market Information, coupled with an awareness of your own interests, likes, and dislikes, can help you to evaluate and consider different career opportunities. This information will give you a sense of where the economy is now and where it is projected to be in the future. For example, Labor Market Information can help you to make more informed career choices by identifying occupations that are growing, have many job openings or pay relatively high wages.

3 WORKFORCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Three Important Things to Know About an Occupation 1.Projected growth rate (%) in the number of jobs in DC 2.Projected number of annual job openings in DC (incl. openings due to growth and due to replacement) 3.Median annual wage in DC

4 WORKFORCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Demand Occupation List WIC and DOES evaluated all occupations in the District using a three variable index: projected percent change in DC employment in 2010-2020; projected annual total openings in DC in 2010-2020; and median annual wage in DC in 2011. Each occupation received scaled score between 2 and 20 points

5 WORKFORCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Demand Occupation List All occupations with at least 20 annual openings AND a scaled score above 10.5 reviewed for “feasibility” – at least 30 percent of DC residents in occupation had less than BA – or “potential feasibility” – at least 20 percent of DC residents in occupation had less than BA This analysis yielded final list of approximately 80 occupations – ITA training programs must be aligned with one of these occupations

6 WORKFORCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA For More Information Department of Employment Services Labor Statistics Website The Five-Year Economic Development Strategy for the District of Columbia strategy

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