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Cytoplasm: Gel-like material inside cells Cell Membrane: “GATE KEEPER”— Controls what goes in and out Clip.

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Presentation on theme: "Cytoplasm: Gel-like material inside cells Cell Membrane: “GATE KEEPER”— Controls what goes in and out Clip."— Presentation transcript:



3 Cytoplasm: Gel-like material inside cells

4 Cell Membrane: “GATE KEEPER”— Controls what goes in and out Clip

5 NUCLEUS: Directs all cell activities With the electron microscop e

6 NUCLEOLUS: Helps to make protein; Found inside nucleus

7 CHROMATIN (DNA): Contains genes or instructions for cell’s activities (found in nucleus) Under the electron microscope: Clip

8 ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: Pathway for moving materials through cell (the “express-way”); usually close to the nucleus

9 RIBOSOMES: Make protein! Under the electron microscope: A simple diagram Clip

10 MITOCHONDRIA: Releases energy in the cell; the “powerhouse” Under the electron microscope: Clip

11 CHLOROPLAST: Converts sunlight into cell energy (Found in plants ONLY!) Under the microscope

12 CELL WALL: The outer structure in plant cells; made of cellulose Under the microscope

13 VACUOLES: Store water, food, and waste products Under the microscope

14 GOLGI BODIES: Nicknamed “UPS”— Packages & secrete substances made inside the cell Under the microscope

15 LYSOSOMES: Digests cell wastes “garbage disposal” Clip


17 What are the two parts plant cells have that animal cells do not have? Cell WallsCell Walls ChloroplastsChloroplasts Clip

18 Cell Structures by Brainpop


20 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Prokaryotic Cells Prokaryotic Cells: NO NUCLEUS Example: Example: Bacteria Eukaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells: have a TRUE NUCLEUS Example: Example: all cells in your body

21 What is the difference between a single cell and cells working together? Single Cells do everything by themselves; Cells in tissues and organs divide up the work!

22 In many-celled organisms, cells work together to accomplish their work: TISSUES TISSUES: ALIKE Cells look ALIKE, perform the same function. ExamplesMUSCLE TISSUE, Examples: MUSCLE TISSUE, NERVE TISSUE

23 ORGANS ORGANS: TISSUES JOB A structure made up of different kinds of TISSUES that all work together to perform the same JOB. Examples: HEART, BRAIN, LUNGS

24 Cell Specialization by Brainpop SIZES AND SHAPES OF CELLS JOB Cells have different sizes and shapes, based on their JOB SMALL BIG Some can be very SMALL and some can be very BIG

25 Types of Cells Clip (~6 min)

26 For Tuesday Cells Alive WS Completed Cover Page Done Article about cells with you – no summary yet Cell ANALOGY Worksheet done Ready for Quiz on Cell Organelles – Function and Compare to other things here at Kinard Begin CELL PROJECT – See new Handout

27 For Tuesday Cell ANALOGY Worksheet done Ready for Quiz on Cell Organelles – Function and Compare to other things here at Kinard Entire Packet due on Monday 4/13 or 4/15 Cell Project Due on 4/13 (Monday)

28 Microscope – Guidelines for Use 1.Handle with care! ($500 piece of equipment) 2.Always hold in an upright position, with both hands. 3. Don’t touch the lens of the microscope with your hands, Use only lens paper, (Not Kleenex tissue) 4.Always start the process on the Lowest Power (smallest objective) 5.If using highest power objective, only use the fine adjustment… 6.Clean-up: a)Rotate nose piece to the lowest power b)Wrap cord around the base c)Lower the stage all the way down d)Cover with dust cover e)Check microscope into the teacher f)Put carefully on cart

29 Parts of a Microscope Students read out-loud  Read top of page _____ Fill in parts/functions using _____ as a tool

30 Rest of the Day - Goals Create: Title Page Begin Table of Contents Make History of the Cell Timeline Chapter 1 Questions – Page 13 # 1,2,3 I will look for significant progress on these four parts on MONDAY

31 Do Now 2/14 - Microscopes You are going to use the microscope today. List three safe-handling procedures with the microscope? What steps do you take to view a prepared slide? If you want to look at it at a higher magnification, what should you do? I am looking at my slide through the eyepiece and the DIN 10 objective…. What is the total magnification of the slide?

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