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WordMasters Challenge Mrs. Huddleston’s FIFTH GRADE Class 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "WordMasters Challenge Mrs. Huddleston’s FIFTH GRADE Class 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 WordMasters Challenge Mrs. Huddleston’s FIFTH GRADE Class 2015

2 furrow (noun)a long and narrow cut in the ground; a narrow line or wrinkle in the skin of a person's face CREASE : WRINKLE (verb)to make furrows, grooves, or wrinkles in The teacher furrowed her brow when the student told her he had not done his homework.

3 Vulnerable Capable of being physically or emotionally wounded ; open to attack or damage. adjective Mean BabyVulnerable

4 Garnish : noun,verb 1. Decorate,embellish 2. To add decorations or seasoning to (food) 3. To equip with accessories

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