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Scenes of Film By: Sean Diaz Behind the  Film is movies  Film: motion pictures, as a genre of art or entertainment  People go to the cinima an average.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenes of Film By: Sean Diaz Behind the  Film is movies  Film: motion pictures, as a genre of art or entertainment  People go to the cinima an average."— Presentation transcript:


2 Scenes of Film By: Sean Diaz Behind the

3  Film is movies  Film: motion pictures, as a genre of art or entertainment  People go to the cinima an average of 2,860,000,000 a year

4  Film is a very lengthy process that can take up to 8 years.  There are many steps such as scripting, editing, filming, animating, casting, ect.

5  The first thing to making a movie is the idea  Then the script (to get edited and get an OK)  Then pre-production and director selection  Then script distribution, storyboards, and shooting script (cinema aspects)  Then lighting, location, weather, shooting angles  Then shooting the movie  Then editing (the longest part)  Final step- showing it

6  Some of the many positions on a film set are:  Director  Producer  Wardrobe  Editor  Cinematographer  Electrician  Caster  Stunt Manager  Technological Director  Make-up Director  Sound Producer  Location Director  Transportation  Art Director  Screenwriter  Actor

7  The most popular (Cited Films) - Drama  Frequency- 1,823  Percentage- 30.7  The most popular (Top 25 Films) - Romance  Frequency- 6  Percentage- 23%

8  The basic day on a film set can be very busy for people doing lighting, sound, and camera.  For the actors (or talent) there is a lot of “sit around and wait” time in the day.

9  … between filming and final product-  There is no generated graphics.  There is usually no sound effects, music, or external audio.  There are many many takes and you will never know which will make the final cut.  … between commercial and movie sets  Commercials have same set and technology as a normal film.  Key difference is they have limited time space and locations  Commercials are small films

10  … interpretation of a script  The director is only one part. The creative team (art director, designer, cinematographer) influence a lot of the ideas and script.  … choice to take scenes out of a movie.  Often times, the director does not make these choices.  The expertise of the editor does most of the work.  The director may still be shooting other scenes in another location.  The director gives final approval of the film.  … ideas about improvisation  The director may change the original script but an improvisational script is different.  Improvisation is more of the directors ideas rather than the writer’s ideas.

11  Many films today are being shot in digital format.  There are now more materials abailable for the director and editor.  A result of this is that many things end up on, what is called, the cutting room floor.  Cutting room floor-  Room, or floor, where all cut items of a film go to for either recycle or disposal  Many good takes are eventually left out of the film

12  I have concluded that in order to make a film, you must be a patient person.

13  Anonymous. "How many movies does the average American watch in a year?". Answerbag. 4/7/10  Palmquist, Owen. "Scene 1: Enter Future Filmmaker". Think Quest. 4/2/10.  Bordwell, David. Film Art an Introduction. Lisa Moore, 2008.  Frost, Jacqueline. Cinematography for Directors. 2009.  Dr. Philip Moss

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