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Gilles OLLIER Head of Sector “Earth Observation” Management of Natural Resources – RTD.I.4 Research Directorate General - Environment - RTD.I EUROPEAN.

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Presentation on theme: "Gilles OLLIER Head of Sector “Earth Observation” Management of Natural Resources – RTD.I.4 Research Directorate General - Environment - RTD.I EUROPEAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gilles OLLIER Head of Sector “Earth Observation” Management of Natural Resources – RTD.I.4 Research Directorate General - Environment - RTD.I EUROPEAN COMMISSION Third GEO European Projects Workshop Preparation of the GEO 2010 Ministerial (State of Play) Thursday 08 – Friday 09 October 2009 Istanbul (Turkey)

2 The GEO Ministers provide guidance and orientation for the implementation of GEOSS on a regular basis (2005, 2007, 2010) The Ministers endorsed the 2007 Cape-Town Declaration in which they identified priorities for GEOSS and committed to actions They resolved to meet again before the end of 2010 to: 1.Review progress 1.Conduct a mid-term assessment 1.Give further guidance on the implementation of GEOSS 2010 GEO Ministerial: background and early steps

3 PRIORITIES: 1.The sustained operation of terrestrial, oceanic, air-borne, and space- based observations networks is critical for informed decision making; 2.Data interoperability is critical for the improvement and expansion of observational, modelling, data assimilation, and prediction capabilities; 3.Continued research and development activities and coherent planning as essential for future observation systems; 4.Continued cooperation and dialogue will establish GEOSS as a powerful means to support informed decision making; 5.Coordination, at national, regional and global levels, continued investments, scientific and technological advances and innovative approaches to financing will be vital for upgrading and expanding Earth observations and building the capacity of individuals, institutions and systems, particularly in developing countries; GEO Cape Town Declaration paves the way for the content of 2010 Ministerial

4 COMMITMENTS TO: The development of a process towards the implementation of the GEO data sharing principles to be presented at the GEO 2010 ministerial To explore ways and means for the sustained operations of the shared architectural GEOSS components and related information infrastructure Working together to improve the interoperability of and access to observation and associated prediction and information systems towards the continued strengthening of GEOSS and the full realisation of the 10-Year Implementation Plan GEO Cape Town Declaration paves the way for the content of 2010 Ministerial

5 EXCOM decided setting up a dedicated Task Force and asking the Secretariat to invite governments to provide representatives for this effort Recommendations provided to EXCOM 15 by the C4 focusing on the process and criteria for selecting mid-term achievements. On-going actions for the preparation of the GEO 2010 Ministerial

6 Members and Participating Organizations have provided nominations for the TF (Brazil, Chile, China, European Commission, Germany, Japan, Romania, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA, France, Canada, South-Africa, EUMETSAT, European Space Agency, and CEOS). 1st meeting of the TF (telecon) took place on 17th September 2 nd Meeting of the TF (face to face) 22-23 October in Geneva (preparation of a paper to be tabled at GEO VI) To prepare for these first discussions, the Secretariat has drafted an informal note Ministerial TASK FORCE

7 Review progress (TF): 1) Ensure a limited number of Showcases are prepared in order to show the Ministers the progress made so far in GEO 2) Ensure that outreach events and communication actions are prepared so that all the actors involved in the GEO implementation have a chance to contribute to the Ministerial Conduct a mid-term assessment (M&E group): 3) To be completed in the context of the GEO M&E framework (specific evaluation group to be created) Further guidance on the implementation of GEOSS (TF): 4) Ensure a set of actions for the future of GEOSS is proposed to the Ministers that they can endorse on the occasion of the Ministerial Promote attendance to Ministerial (TF): 5) Ensure sufficient attendance at the GEO 2010 Ministerial at all level Possible role of the TF

8 2010 Ministerial Summit to be held in Bejin (date: likely October otherwise December) Focus on a smaller number of achievements than was the case for Cape Town; Important to link back to the Cape Town Declaration to demonstrate continuity and respect for the Ministers' guidance; C4's guidelines on identifying key achievements are useful; Appropriate achievements would give Ministers something substantive to debate; Forward-looking achievements that help to advance GEOSS implementation should also be considered. Outcome from 1st teleconference of the TF (17th September)

9 Achievements should: Focus on services that provide advanced outcomes and impact for users, possibly in all nine SBAs; Link to the high-profile “issues of the day” or to topical events (G8 Summit); Emphasize outcomes that cut across SBAs where two or more SBAs provide synergistic outcomes; Be outcomes of GEO Tasks and demonstrate the effectiveness of the GEO work plan; Relate to issues highlighted by the Cape Town Declaration where possible. Process should: Identify ways to nurture and accelerate the identified achievements for sustainable outcomes during the period leading up to the Summit; Identify the added value of GEO as a coordination mechanism and the leverage that GEO brings to the allocation of resources by Members and funding organizations; Examine economic analysis and societal impact of achievements; Anticipate attrition as achievements mature. C4 GUIDELINES FOR IDENTIFYING KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR THE 2010 MINISTERIAL

10 ORGANIZE A TASK TEAMS SYMPOSIUM IN JANUARY 2010 to provide the opportunity to identify key achievements in GEOSS implementation as well as trends and priority activities which could be featured in the Summit Declaration ESTABLISH A “2010 BASELINE” FOR A WIDE RANGE OF EARTH PARAMETERS Two parts: A first group of data sets, such as the Global DEM or agriculture parameters, could be developed (or sufficiently advanced) before the Summit so that they would be as early deliverables of the GEO 2010 Baseline. A second group would require a longer timeframe for production (To be called for in Summit Declaration). ESTABLISH A COMMITTEE OF “WISE PERSONS High-level Committee to assess the progress being made by GEO and to provide recommendations for future action to be presented to the Ministers and heads of delegation at the Summit PAPER OF THE GEO SECRETARIAT: “Preparing the 2010 Ministerial Summit” THREE PROPOSALS:

11 1) Ensure a limited number of Showcases are prepared in order to show the Ministers the progress made so far in GEO: Show the GEOSS added value in specific areas/Biodiversity – GEO-BON, Global Carbon Observing System, Environment and Health, Water…. Should demonstrate that GEO can provide global assessment in key societal benefit areas by aggregating regional/national resources Will certainly provide an incomplete picture in the different domains but they should at least be convincing enough to show that GEO has the potential to perform such assessments The showcases should build on the capability of the GCI The format of the showcases (video ? report ? Presentation ? Computer presentation?) should be defined by the TF so that contributors can provide material– What is it a showcase intended for the Ministers? Possible approaches to be considered by the Task Force

12 2) Ensure that outreach events and communication actions are prepared so that all the actors involved in the GEO implementation have a chance to contribute to the Ministerial: Too many tasks on-going in GEO: they cannot be shown all to the Ministers through the showcases The TF should explore ways and means to involve all GEO tasks at the Ministerial (large side event to be organised: exhibition? Conference? Publication?) 3) Ensure sufficient attendance at the GEO 2010 Ministerial at all level: Letter of invitation to be issued by host early enough in 2010 so that the Ministers can plan attending far in advance – convincing arguments needed to attract the ministers in particular they should be informed that they will be asked endorsing future actions. Role of the GEO principals and of Caucuses in promoting the event and actions at GEO VI plenary Possible approaches to be considered by the Task Force

13 4) Ensure a set of actions for the future of GEOSS is proposed to the Ministers that they can endorse on the occasion of the Ministerial Follow-up of Cape Town: Adopting a process towards the implementation of the GEO data sharing principles ??? Agreeing to sustain operations of the shared architectural GEOSS components and related information infrastructure ??? Beyond Cape Town: Recognizing GEOSS as "the" international system for Earth Observation ??? Possible approaches to be considered by the Task Force

14 Opinion of the European Caucus on the preparation of the Ministerial Summit - HLWG-14 was that: “the ministerial should be the occasion to present a number of limited showcases, among which Europe should promote some of its best contribution to the GEOSS” Today’s workshop could discuss the Europe’s contribution to specific areas (GEO-BON/EBONE, Global Carbon Observing System/COCOS, etc…). Message from Europe to be passed onto the TF which should then define as soon as possible what should be the showcases for the ministers and what they should discuss Timing issue: Paper to be presented about the preparation of the ministerial at the Plenary in Washington Conclusions

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