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National Health Assembly and Health for All Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra Thailand PHA, Cape Town 10 July 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "National Health Assembly and Health for All Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra Thailand PHA, Cape Town 10 July 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Health Assembly and Health for All Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra Thailand PHA, Cape Town 10 July 2012

2 30 years of advocacy for participatory public policy 1978 HFA 1986 Ottawa 2007 PHC 2008 SDH 10/07/ 55 2 Are we there yet?

3 Wrong deeds in public policy decision and how to go over Lack of knowledge Lack of wide- scale participation Lack of morality Prof. Dr.Prawase Wasi Technical process Social process Moral process 3

4 National Health Act B.E 2550 (2007) Major turning point in the Thai health system Expand from the medical and public health sector to all sectors “All for Health and Health for All” “Health system Governance” is a major component in directing and monitoring the health system in a more desirable direction 4

5 “ The Triangle that Moves the Mountain” Strategy Knowledge (K) Social (S) Political Involvement (P) NHA 4 5

6 Three types of Assemblies National Health Assembly ▫Agenda on health and related ▫Annual basis Area-based Assembly ▫Agenda related to area ▫No particular time limit Issue-based Assembly ▫Agenda on specific issues ▫No particular time limit 10/07/ 55 6

7 National Health Assembly Involve in all policy development process from agenda setting to implementation and evaluation Deliberative democracy 7 10/07/ 55 President of NHA comes from 3 sectors

8 National Health Assembly is a year-long process Call for agenda Agenda selection Drafting technical and resolution Stakeholder constituency consultation Revise document Circulate for constituency consultation National Health Assembly Submit to Cabinet Implement ation and evaluation 8

9 National Health Assembly is soft power on policy formulation—no legal binding 9 Agenda Setting Policy Formulation ImplementMonitoring Proposed from 200 constituencies— government, academic, civil society, community Draft resolution and tech doc, adopt in NHA (more than 1,200 attended), submit resolutions to Cabinet Ministries, communities Committee on monitoring

10 10

11 Agenda setting, policy formulation and implementation– 3 cases Participation in FTA negotiation process (1) Equity in access to essential health care (1) Medical Hub (3) 11

12 Participation in FTA negotiation process (1) Agenda setting Proposed by civil society (FTA Watch) Policy formulation Public hearing Impact assessment Set up mechanism to monitor impact on international trade Implement Set up National Commission on Trade and Health Study Members from MFA, MC, Chamber of Commerce, NGO, Academic 12

13 Equity in access to essential health care (1) Agenda setting Proposed by government (Ministry of Justice) Policy formulation Propose to harmonize to reduce inequity of 3 health insurance schemes stateless people eligible for health insurance Implement Set up National Health Financing Committee Cabinet approve stateless people to be eligible for health insurance under UHC 13

14 Medical Hub (3) Agenda setting Proposed by private sector (Chamber of Commerce and Prema-Multi-national drug company) Policy formulation BOI will not support or special tax or investment privileges to health services which are business interest oriented Implement BOI reviewed their decision on supporting private hospital 14

15 2 dimensions, 4 values, 5 strategies 15 Participatory healthy public policy Social empowerment Participatory Democracy Interactive Learning through action Participa tory healthy public policy process Social Move ment

16 5 Strategies Increase participation from all 3 sectors and build ownership Develop the Assembly System that are systematic with clear pattern but with flexibility Use inclusive approach to involve all stakeholders Support downstream process to bring policy to implementation Link National Health Assembly to Thailand Reform Assembly and Assembly at International level 16

17 Please visit our website at 17

18 18 We are the leaves of one tree The time has come for all to live as one We are the leaves of one tree

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