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Account Receivable Management System. Sales Order Sales Return Incoming Payment Notes Receivable Cash Transactions Deposit Confirmation Incoming Payment.

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Presentation on theme: "Account Receivable Management System. Sales Order Sales Return Incoming Payment Notes Receivable Cash Transactions Deposit Confirmation Incoming Payment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Account Receivable Management System

2 Sales Order Sales Return Incoming Payment Notes Receivable Cash Transactions Deposit Confirmation Incoming Payment AR Moth End AR Balance of Payment Deposit Misc. AR Credit Memo Misc. to- offset Deposit to-offset Over Receipt Delivery Note Account Receivable Issue VAT Invoice LC Management AR Revaluation Account Receivable System Structure

3 3 1. Deposit receivable processes 1.1 Deposit 1.2 Contra 1.3 Entry sheets transfer voucher 2. Delivery receivable process 2.1 Delivery Receivable 2.2 Issue Invoice 3. Sales return receivable processes 5. AR closing monthly 4. AR Revaluation AGENDA

4 4 1.Deposit receivable processes

5 5 Orders must be confirmed in order to generate receivables

6 6

7 7 If you do not select a Doc. type, the default is a order type, but this one have to exist in a type receivable in axri010

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12 12 Receive Notes Receivable Anmt200 Print Notes Receivable Collection Detail Anmr221 Contra Slip Axrt400 Post AR Vouchers to GL Axrp590 Bank Transaction Anmt302 Bank Transaction Detail Anmr320 12 1.2 Contra process

13 13 Receive Direct process Receiving treatment there are two states : 1.a transfer of accounts receivable 2 direct payment. Press the right "direct collection " button will make the payment processing into "direct collection." Generally "1. Transfer Receivables

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17 17 Contra payment

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25 25 In axrt300 job query automatically generated temporary reveivable, as the next to off-set accounts receivable documents. This document can not be modified for the system generates

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27 27 1.3 Voucher transfer process

28 28 Method1: when confirm auto transfer Method2:use action”Post Voucher”

29 29 Method 3: use axrp590

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31 31

32 32 If the voucher after transfer to general ledger find an error, can not be deleted or modified directly in the general ledger. Please follow above steps: 1 axrp591  undo post the voucher / or axrt300 ACTION[Undo transfer] 2 re- entry papers produced after modification of the original document 3 Re- post to general ledger Enter the voucher No. Note : Only can type a voucher

33 33 2.1 Delivery receivable process

34 34 Delivery Note transfer AR Method 1: USE ACTION [Transfer to AR]

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36 36 Method 2: axrp310

37 37 Method 3: axrp330

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40 40 2.2 Invoicing process

41 41 3.Sales Return Note Method 1 :USE Action [Transfer to account to be offset ]

42 42 Method 2 :axrp304

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45 45 4. AR Revaluation

46 46 For foreign currency accounts receivable balance at the end of month to r evaluation.And adjusted exchange gains and losses. Method 1: Changes in the real exchange rate of the transaction, and at the end of exchange gains and losses arising ( Realized foreign exchange gains and losses ) Method 2: Does not change the real transaction, only difference by foreign exchange gains and losses made ​​ statements and in the general ledger, and turn round next month (unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses) AR Parameter Axrs010 Revaluation Exchange Rate AR Revaluation Entry sheets Changes in exchange rates AR account revaluation Report Axrr380 Accrued Voucher [aglt130] Next month Turn round Monthly Exchange rate to maintain AR Revaluation

47 47 Query AR Revaluation gxrq600 Post Revalued Vouchers to GL gxrp610 Revaluation Exchange Rate aooi060 AR Revaluattion gxrp600 Vouchers aglt110 AR Revaluation Method 1: Changes in the real exchange rate of the transaction, and at the end of exchange gains and losses arising ( Realized foreign exchange gains and losses )

48 48

49 49 5. Monthly Closing AR After axrp401 process write back this date, where the Closing Date ( inclusive) before the documents were no further movement ( insert, change, confirm, cancel,Confirmation ).

50 50 Monthly Closing AR check Unconfirmed Note list aoou702 AR & GL Checking Report axrr351 Y N AR Account Detail Report axrr151 Un-invoiced Shipping Detail axmr630 Sales Revenue Detail Report axrr378 Fetch up account data Adjust transaction or entry sheets check Y N A

51 51 Print Account Period Report aglr200 Accounts Receivable Subsidiary Report axrr500 Query Periodic Account Balance aglq101 Print Subsidiary Ledger aglr906 Locking AR Date axrp401 checklist Accounts receivable and general ledger Update Sub-system Statistics aglp130/aglp131 A

52 52 Q & A 52

53 53

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