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Introduction and reading. Look at the following means of transport. Can you give their names? bike It is slow, cheap and has two wheels.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction and reading. Look at the following means of transport. Can you give their names? bike It is slow, cheap and has two wheels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction and reading

2 Look at the following means of transport. Can you give their names? bike It is slow, cheap and has two wheels.

3 boat a small open vessel for traveling across water

4 bus

5 coach It’s a bus used for long distances.

6 helicopter a type of aircraft

7 motorbike It’s got two wheels and it’s fast.

8 taxi You must pay to use this car.

9 trolleybus It is connected to electric wires.

10 truck a simple vehicle for carrying goods

11 underground This is a suburban railway. It is usually under the city.

12 double-decker a bus which has two floors

13 air-conditioned bus a bus with air-conditioners

14 ship a large boat for carrying people and goods on the sea

15 train

16 plane

17 tricycle

18 car

19 Now match some of the words with their definitions. bike boat coach helicopter motorbike taxi trolleybus truck underground bus 1. It’s a bus used for long distance. 2. It’s got two wheels and it’s fast. coach motorbike

20 3. This bus is connected to the electric wires. 4. You must pay to use this car. 5. It’s slow, cheap and has two wheels. 6. This is a suburban railway. It’s usually under the city. taxi underground bike trolleybus

21 Use ticks to complete the chart. I travel by… every day some times oftennever bike bus motorbike √

22 taxi trolleybus undergro und (train)

23 Share your answers with your partner. 1. Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? 2. Where were you going? 3. How long were you in the jam? 4. What did you do then? 5. If you haven’t met a traffic jam, can you imagine what will happen in it?

24 Match the words in the box with their meanings. 1. to go from one place to another get around passenger 2. a person who uses public transport cab destination fare get around passenger receipt return route rush hour seat single permit

25 3. a ticket for a two-way journey 4. the road the public transport service uses regularly 5. the busiest time of day 6. the price of a ticket 7. a ticket for a one-way journey 8. the place you want to go to return route rush hour fare single destination

26 9. a place to sit 10. another word for taxi 11. a document which gives you the right to do something 12. a document which shows you have paid for something receipt seat cab permit

27 Listen to the tape and find what means of transportation are mentioned in the passage.

28 Means of transpo rtation AvailabilityAdvantages disadvant ages Taxis Read the text fast and fill in the chart. 24 hours a day convenient expensive

29 Buses and trolleybus es Minibuses 5 am to midnight night bus service cheap can be crowded regular service cheap and not crowded not mentioned

30 Undergr ound Pedicabs 5 am to 11 pm not mentioned fast convenient crowded at rush hours expensive special and interesting

31 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: 1. How easy is it to find a taxi in Beijing? 2. What color are most taxis? 3. What’s the problem with buses? Raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. They’re red. They’re often very crowded.

32 4. Which is the best bus for tourists? 5. How many people can get in a minibus? 6. What are the advantages of the underground? The 103 bus. 12 people. It’s fast and convenient.

33 7. When does it close at night? 8. What can you visit in a pedicab? It closes at 11:00 pm. The narrow alleys of old Beijing.

34 Read the text carefully again and choose the best answers. 1. The rush hour means _____. A. 6:00 am - 8:00 am and 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm B. 6:30 am - 8:00 am and 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm C. 6:00 am - 8:30 am and 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm D. 6:00 am - 9:00 am and 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm B

35 2. If you want to have a good view of the rapidly changing city, you should take _____. A. a taxi B. a minibus C. a double-decker bus D. a pedicab C

36 3. If you want to get a seat even in rush hours, you should take _____. A. a taxi B. a minibus C. a double-decker bus D. a pedicab B

37 4. If you want to see the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park, you’d better take _____. A. buses numbered 1 to 100 B. the 103 bus C. buses with a number in the 200s D. a taxi B

38 1. Taxis usually show the price per kilometre on the window. 2. Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel outside the city. 3. You can get on a minibus if you don’t want to take a taxi or a bus. 4. You have to pay 3 yuan for a one-way ticket. 5. Pedicabs in Beijing are cheap to take. T F T T F within the city centre expensive

39 翻译下列短语 与 …… 相连 马上 四处走动 正在建设之中 保持冷静 关上 be connected to in no time get around under construction keep calm switch off

40 1. match v. 和 …… 相配 n. 火柴, 比赛, 对手 match …with… 把 …… 与 …… 搭配起来 另外 : match/fit/suit 都有 “ 搭配, 适合 ” 的意 思。 match 指品质, 设计等方面适合, 意 为 “ 与 … 相配 ” 。 fit 指尺寸, 大小合适。 suit 指款式, 颜色, 合适或合乎需要, 品味, 性格, 条件等。

41 1. 很难找到与那副旧画相配的颜色。 It’s difficult to match the color of the old paint. 2. 那件外套不适合他, 太大了。 The coat doesn’t fit her, because it’s too big. 3. 这个时间对你合适吗 ? Does the time suit you?

42 翻译句子 1. Mary 的衣服和帽子不协调。 Mary’s clothes and hat don’t match. 2. 他擦了一根火柴来点亮蜡烛。 He struck a match to light the candle. 3. 你认为这工作适合你吗 ? Do you think the job is fit for you?

43 4. 比力气, 他不是父亲的对手。 He is not his father’s match in strength. 5. 打网球他跟我不分伯仲。 I was his match in tennis. 6. 你应该多穿蓝衣服, 蓝色适合你。 Blue suits you. You should wear it more.

44 2. prefer vt. 更喜欢, 宁愿 prefer 后可接名词, 代词, 动词不定式, 动 名词。 另外 : prefer to do rather than do would rather do prefer doing to doing prefer sth. to sth.

45 I prefer ___ to horse riding. A. to shoot B. shooting C. shot D. shoot prefer doing to doing 我喜欢射击不喜欢骑马。

46 3. permit 【语境展示】 1) We don’t permit smoking in the classroom. 我们教室里不允许抽烟。 2) Why did you permit his parking here? 你为什么允许他在这里停车呢? 3) The doctor does not permit me to stay up late. 大夫不允许我熬夜。

47 4) If time permits, I will go to see the film. 如果时间允许的话, 我会去看那部电 影。 5) You are not allowed to take photos here unless you have a permit. 除非你有许可证, 否则不准在这里拍 照。

48 【总结归纳】 permit vt. 许可,允许。常用于 “permit sth. / doing sth. 以及 permit sb. / sth. to do sth.” 结构; vi. ( 事物 ) 允许,使有可能。通常用在条件 句中,不与副词(短语)连用; n. 许可证;执照

49 【链接】 permission n. 允许;许可 【拓展】 ask permission for sth. 请求许可 …… with / without (one’s) permission 经 ( 某 人 ) 许可 / 未经 ( 某人 ) 许可 permit of 容许

50 【即学即练】 根据汉语完成句子,每空一 词。 1. 她只允许孩子们在周末看电视。 She only _______ _______ __ _____ ____ TV at weekends. 2. 如果天气允许的话,我们下星期将举行 每年一次的运动会。 If ______ _______, we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week. permits children to watch TV weather permits

51 3. 我们不允许在池子里游泳。 We don’t ______ _________ in the pool. permit swimming

52 4. limit 【语境展示】 1) We must do our best to reduce our loss to the least limit. 我们必须尽力把损失减小到最低限度。 2) You can go wherever you want within the town limits. 在该城镇范围内你可以去任何你想去的 地方。

53 3) I think we should try to limit the children’s expenditure now. 我想我们现 在应该设法限制孩子们的开支了。 【总结归纳】 limit n. 限度, 极限, 限制 ( 可数 ); 边 缘, 边界 ( 多作复数 ) v. 限制 【链接】 limited adj. 有限的 limitless adj. 无限制的 limiting adj. 限制性的

54 limitation n. 限制;控制;局限性,不足 之处 【拓展】 set a limit to 限制 there is a limit / are limits to …… 是有限的 time limit 期限;时间限制 to the limit 到了最大限度 within (one’s) limits 在一定限度内;在某 种程度上 without limit 无限地;无限的

55 【即学即练】 英译汉。 1. There are not many apples. We must limit ourselves to one apple each. 2. There is a limit to one’s life, but no limit to serving the people. 苹果不太多。我们必须限制没人只吃 一个。 人的生命是有限的, 但是为人民服务是 无止境的。

56 3. To be frank, I don’t mind lending money to you, but within limits. 坦白讲, 我不介意借给你钱, 但是 是在一定的范围内。

57 5. be/get stuck in 被困住, 陷进 get/be + 过去分词表示意想不到的, 突然 的或偶然发生的事情, 或是自己做的事, 即自身做的动作而非被动的动作。 e.g.: get dressed 穿衣 get lost 迷路 get married 结婚 get divorced 离婚

58 My friend and I got ______ in the crowd. A. lost B. losing C. separated D. separating 从语法上说正确的是 A 和 C, get lost “ 迷 路 ” 。 get separated “ 失散, 走散 ” 。 我和朋友在人群中失散了。

59 They needed help, because their car _______ the mud. A. got stuck in B. getting stuck in C. got stuck from D. getting stuck from get stuck in 被困住, 陷进 他们需要帮助, 因为他们的车陷进泥里了。

60 SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS 1. Tourists shouldn’t miss the 103 bus which offers one of the most impressive routes, past the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park. = Tourists should take the 103 bus which runs along one of the most impressive routes, passing the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park.

61 本句是一个复合句。句子的主体是 Tourists shouldn’t miss the 103 bus; which 引导的定语从句修饰先行词 the 103 bus; past the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park 是介 词短语作后置定语修饰 the 103 bus 。

62 2. You should talk to the driver, and make sure you know the price before you begin the journey, for example, if it is per person, single or return. = Before taking the pedicab, you should ask the driver about the price to know whether it is per person, single or return.

63 本句是一个复合句。 before you begin the journey 是时间状语从句。主句中 make sure 后接的是宾语从句 you know the price 。 for example... single or return 补充说明 the price 。

64 You can use different means of transport to get around in Beijing. Simply raise you hand, and a taxi appears _________. You should check the cab has a business ______, and __________ you ask for a receipt. in no time permit make sure Close your book and fill in the blanks.

65 There are 20,000 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, but they can get very crowded during the __________. There is also a night bus service, ________ by buses with a number in the 200s. _________ in which you can always have a seat run regular services and follow the same route as the public buses. rush hour provided Minibuses

66 Underground trains are fast and convenient, but rush hours can be terrible. If you want to go to the narrow alleys of old Beijing, ________ are worth using. pedicabs

67 Write this short passage on your exercise book and hand it in.

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