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Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 1 Chapter 3 Overview  Why is a network implementation strategy necessary?  Why is network.

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2 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 1 Chapter 3 Overview  Why is a network implementation strategy necessary?  Why is network mgmt strategy needed?  Principles of network design  ISO network mgmt categories  Overview of network mgmt tools  Network mgmt strategy used in textbook

3 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 2 Network Implementation Strategy  Why is this necessary?  Network is essential today o “There are 3 kinds of death in this world. There’s heart death, there’s brain death, and there’s being off the network.”  Guy Almes  Network must serve organization today  Network must scale if needed in future  Better to plan in advance

4 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 3 Network Mgmt Strategy  Why is such a strategy needed?  Consider a university campus o Campus admins delegate work to depts o Performance, availability, etc., at dept level may cause problems at the university level… o …and vice-versa  Campus level must be able to monitor and coordinate all network mgmt activities  Similar issues arise in any large organization

5 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 4 Network Design  ISO defines 5 network mgmt categories  Network design is “like a 6th category” o Good design makes mgmt easier  Small network: a single LAN o For example, CS dept at SJSU  Medium network: a few LANs o E.g., all departments in College of Science  Large network: geographically distributed o E.g., all CSU campuses

6 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 5 Network Design  “Typical” network  Network may be small, medium, large or super sized

7 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 6 Network Design

8 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 7 Network Design

9 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 8 Network Design

10 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 9 Network Mgmt Issues and Metrics

11 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 10 Network Mgmt Issues and Metrics

12 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 11 Network Mgmt Categories  ISO defined categories o Performance management o Fault management o Configuration management o Security management o Accounting management

13 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 12 Performance Mgmt  Concerned with o Response time o Utilization o Error rates, etc.  Must collect and analyze data o Number and type of packets o Might also rely on simulations

14 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 13 Perform. Mgmt

15 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 14 Fault Management  Preventions, detection and isolation of abnormal behavior o May be caused by malfunction, cable issue, the janitor, etc.  Traffic, trends, connectivity, etc. o SNMP polls o Alarms for automatic fault detection o Monitor statistics o Timeliness, etc.

16 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 15 Fault Mgmt

17 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 16 Configuration Mgmt  Device configuration o May be done locally or remotely  Network configuration o Sometimes called “capacity mgmt” o Critical to have sufficient capacity  Desirable to automate as much as possible o For example, DHCP and DNS  Extensions to SNMP MIB

18 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 17 Configuration Mgmt

19 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 18 Security Management  Control access to network/resources o Authentication: who goes there? o Authorization: are you allowed to do that? o Firewalls o Intrusion detection systems (IDS) o Notification of (attempted) breaches, etc.  Critical to always authenticate participants  SNMPv1 has very little security  SNMPv3 has lots of security built in

20 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 19 Security Mgmt

21 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 20 Accounting Management  Measure usage of network resources  Book does not cover accounting mgmt o Book does cover the other 4 categories  Accounting management is important

22 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 21 Accounting Management

23 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 22 Management Tools  Lots of tools listed in the book  List is included on next few slide  For this class, we want NMS that is o Free o Good enough for our purposes o Free, and most important of all… o …free  CD in book includes Meterware/Analyzer

24 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 23 Mgmt Tools

25 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 24 Mgmt Tools

26 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 25 Mgmt Tools

27 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 26 Other Free Systems  net-snmp o At o It’s free o Available for Windows, maybe OS X and Linux  openSNMP o At o It’s free o Available for Windows, maybe OS X and Linux

28 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 27 Network Management Configuration  Centralized vs distributed  Centralized configuration o Illustrated here ----->

29 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 28 Network Management Configuration  Centralized configuration o One mgmt station hosts NMS o Remote monitors/probes on LAN segments  Advantage: NMS has complete view  Disadvantage: single point of failure

30 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 29 Network Management Configuration  Distributed configuration o Illustrated here ----->

31 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 30 Network Management Configuration  Distributed configuration o Each LAN has its own management station and a simple NMS o One mgmt station/NMS manages the backbone and coordinates local NMSs  Advantage: robust in case of failure  Disadvantage: complexity, coordination

32 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 31 Textbook Mgmt Strategy  Many networks and mgmt strategies to choose from  Which to use for this class?  Keep it simple! o Centralized o One LAN, 2 subnets o SNMPv1 (Chapter 12 covers SNMPv3)

33 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 32 Selected Mgmt Strategy  Which MIB? o 4 choices: MIB I, MIB II, proprietary MIBs and RMON MIBs o Book uses MIB II  Which NMS? o Book uses Meterware/Analyzer o Book focuses on fundamental concepts… o …so other NMS would work too

34 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 33 MIB Objects and Instances  NMS  MIB object  Device agents  RMON agents  Instances

35 Chapter 3  Network Implementation and Management Strategies 34 Chapter 3 Summary  Network implementation strategy  Network mgmt strategy  ISO network mgmt categories  Management tools  Centralized vs distributed configuration  Textbook network/mgmt strategy

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