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HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Cultivating Good Health (Especially when you are sick!)

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Cultivating Good Health (Especially when you are sick!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Cultivating Good Health (Especially when you are sick!)

2 The Happiness Formula: Happiness = S + C + V S = Set point range C = Circumstances of your life V = Voluntary factors under your control

3 Health and Happiness We find only a moderate relationship between happiness & health –Paraplegics are very unhappy after losing their mobility; their happiness returns to the original (set point) level within a year. –Usual emotions are a better predictor of health-happiness relationship

4 Reframing Bad Health The paradox between acceptance and reframing: –This is a challenge AND –There are benefits from this. It is like a prism. You have to turn it over in your mind until you can see the good in it. -- Christopher Reeve, on maintaining positive moods after his accident.

5 Models for Reframing What can I still do? Vs. What have I lost? How can I help? Vs. Why don’t people help me more? What can I learn? Vs. I am useless. What will tomorrow bring? Vs. I think only of the past.

6 Health and Dominance Bosses live longer than workers. High status people live longer. Academy Award winners live longer. –Higher level of cortisol in “one down” role; lower level of DHEA.

7 Raising DHEAto Stay Young Meditation –Slows the aging process Enjoyment: savoring the moment Exercise (moderate, frequent) Be the best at some things –Leadership: everyone can be one

8 Meditation: Autogenic Training Arm & leg heaviness – repeat X3 –My right arm feels heavy, left, right leg... Hand and feet warm –My right hand is warm, left, right foot... Breathing –My Breathing is calm and regular I am at peace Applications

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