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 Review all terms on your word lists.  Be familiar with the basics of nucleic acids  Know the contributions of the following scientists to DNA knowledge:

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2  Review all terms on your word lists.  Be familiar with the basics of nucleic acids  Know the contributions of the following scientists to DNA knowledge: Watson & Crick, Franklin, Griffith, Levene, Meischer, Avery, MacLeod, McCarty, Hershey & Chase

3  You should know the four bases found in DNA and understand Chargaff’s rule.  Know what nucleotides are and what they are composed of.  Understand the differences between purines and pyrimidines  Understand DNA replication and understand the basic steps in DNA replication. (overview sheet like pg.222

4  Know why DNA replication is called semi- conservative replication. You should know what enzymes are important in DNA replication and the role that these enzymes play in DNA replication. Review the chart on Enzymes involved with replication.  Diagrams to be able to label: DNA replication pg.222 and DNA nucleotide pg.210

5  Contributions of Garrod, Beadle & Tatum, Ingram  List the differences bt. DNA & RNA  Review one gene- one enzyme theory  Notes on Post –transcriptional modifications  Notes on mutations – be able to recognize diagrams  Review HW questions  Be able to use a codon chart to decode from a given DNA strand to the final amino acids - mRNA, tRNA, etc

6  MC -.  Short Answer –  Long answer–Including protein synthesis/mutation question  Diagrams (wordbank provided)

7 1. What year was the current DNA model discovered? 2. What two scientists are credited with discovering the shape of DNA? 3. What scientist isolated nuclear material and named it nucleic acid?

8 4. Who discovered the nucleotide made of 3 parts? 5. He was researching bacteria and stumbled on a transforming agent. 6. What three scientists eventually identified the transforming agent ? 7. What was the mystery transforming agent?

9 8. What is Chargaff’s rule? 9. The 2 scientists who used viruses to show it’s DNA that transmits genetic info. 10. She produced an x-ray photograph used to identify DNA’s structure. 11. He showed this photograph to Watson and Crick. 12. What are the 4 nitrogen bases in DNA?

10 13. Nitrogen bases containing a single ring structure. 14. Nitrogen bases containing a double ring structure 15. What 2 molecules form the backbone of DNA? 16. What makes DNA unique from all other organic molecules? 17. This molecule is located at the 5’ end of DNA. 18. This molecule is located at the 3’ end of DNA. 19. What is a nucleotide composed of?

11 20. How many hydrogen bonds are found between A and T? 21. How many hydrogen bonds are found between G and C? 22. Where do free floating nucleotides come from? 23. Why is replication referred to as semi- conservative? 24. When replication is finished what are the two new strands called? 25. This enzyme controls the replication of DNA. 26. This enzyme unravels DNA during replication.

12 27. Where DNA is still joined after being unwound. 28. This enzyme relieves tension as DNA unwinds 29. This enzyme joins the gaps in the Okazaki fragments. 30. This enzyme lays down RNA primers at the starting point. 31. Short fragments of DNA built along the lagging strand. 32. These enzymes double check for mistakes in replication.

13 33. Synthesis of DNA happens in this direction. 34. Strand of DNA built continuously toward the replication fork. 35. Strand of DNA built discontinuously toward away from the replication fork. 36. Thymine is replaced by this nitrogen base in RNA. 37. In this process DNA transfers its code to mRNA.

14 38. This type of RNA delivers the amino acids to the ribosome. 39. This type of RNA is a structural component of the ribosomes. 40. Two terms for a sequence of 3 nucleotides that forms a code. 41. Where is the anticodon located? 42. In this process the mRNA is read to determine the protein structure. 43. What signals the end of protein synthesis?

15 44. Name any 2 posttranscriptional modifications. 45. This type of mutation will have no effect (goes unnoticed). 46. These mutations occur at specific points in the gene 47. These mutations are caused by an error of the genetic machinery. 48. These mutations are the result of chemical agents or radiation. 49. Name 3 examples of mutagenic agents. 50. The central dogma of molecular genetics consists of DNA (replication) leading to RNA(transcription) leading to ??




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