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Consip S.p.A. EULAB - EUropean Learning LABoratory 2006, Next Steps – Consip proposal Bruxelles, november 2005.

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1 Consip S.p.A. EULAB - EUropean Learning LABoratory 2006, Next Steps – Consip proposal Bruxelles, november 2005

2 2 Executive Summary An other year of the EU Lab activity is going over, and we believe that the “EULAB” initiative allowed us to obtain wide and deep benefits, even if with a substantial effort in terms of human and financial resources It’s important to keep in mind the "IPSG operational model", which defines the EU Learning Labs as temporary initiatives, lasting in two years Today, it would be crucial to decide how to maintain active the network we set up, carefully considering a suitable the trade-off between costs and benefits 1 2 3 Well, on the specific EULAB theme, we can summarize 3 key points… In the next pages, we analyze each single point and we suggest our proposal to aim this objective, but it’s only a starting point, that - with your suggestions and with a final discussion - can be improved to obtain a final common point of view, which it will permit to drive the activities for the years 2006

3 3 Benefits & Concerns Table A brief introduction on main the results obtained and associated efforts during the last two years – “Benefits & Concerns Table” – evidences how… Efforts… (Concerns) Results… (Benefits)  Reports that illustrate the EU situation on specific procurement topics  Studies that analyse the higher or lower efficiency of specific procurement practices  Databases and benchmarks  Focused exchange programme on specific tasks (e.g. Consip/OGC)  ….  Overloading factor with respect to the day- by-day activities (feasibility studies, tender documentation analysis, etc)  Internal cost to developing studies and researches  Time-consuming activity to manage a complex network  …. …the EULAB Network allowed to obtain wide and deep benefits for our organizations, even if with a relevant effort for all of us

4 4 The overall scenario: IPSG Learning Lab – in IPSG operational model – should be considered as temporary initiative, lasting in 1 or 2 years…  Laboratory on Public Procurement refers to the IPSG (Innovative Public Service Group) activity area  Terms of reference for the Learning Lab are: (1) addressing specific issues, (2) comparing practices, (3) developing performance indicators to evaluate public policies/public services  Learning Lab – in IPSG business model – should be considered as temporary lab, in reference to 1 or 2 years period Objective How to maintain “active” the network, in terms of suitable trade-off between cost & benefits Scenario Meetings of Ministers for Public Administration, Meetings of Directors General, Working Groups Quality of Public Services (IPSG) E-Government Human Resources Management Quality of regulation Learning Lab Quality Conferences Self Assessment Tools Comm.  Laboratory on Public Proc MEETTINGS ACTIVITY AREAS ACTIVITIES

5 5 Our proposal (1/2) Our proposal aims to maintain active the network through the creation of a “sleeping network”, based on 3 main elements…  …starting, as result of specific member calls (on demand), of focused “working table”  …developing specific international engagement/bid on procurement/innovation themes  … Sharing of experiences and competences owned Operations through.. Networking through… Know-How through…  …sharing, at the beginning of the year, our own plan of activities  …organizing, in course of the year, a General Annual Meeting  …developing and sharing, at the end of the year, a final report with the main results of our own activities  …  …developing a structured “EULAB Repository”, in terms of cv, final reports, different studies, etc.  … 123

6 6 Our proposal (2/2) Our proposal aims to maintain active the network through the creation of a “sleeping network”, based on 3 main elements… (cont’ed) At the same way, in the next year, we could carry out specific initiatives of members’ common interest (EU Lab Initiative) FOCUS  Developing international engagements, coming from european bids, to sustain EU LAB members’ common interest: …a similar specific case “PROSTAR Project”  Consip, together with a Universities’ Consortium, in the last months submitted to the European Commission a specific project called “PROSTAR Project”  The objective is stimulate innovation appling standards in public procurement (e.g. to develop a taxonomy which links the public procurement processes to the various standards and innovation typologies)  In our proposal we have mentioned the EU Lab experience (in the referral section) to increase the content value

7 7 Your proposal OPEN DISCUSSION

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