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May 2004 CCSDS Navigation WG Activity Report CCSDS Spring Series May 2004 CSA, Montreal, Canada Felipe Flores-Amaya CCSDS Navigation WG.

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1 May 2004 CCSDS Navigation WG Activity Report CCSDS Spring Series May 2004 CSA, Montreal, Canada Felipe Flores-Amaya CCSDS Navigation WG

2 May 2004Report to MOIMS2 Executive Summary Prior to Spring meeting, Orbit Data Message (ODM) RB final CCSDS wide review was completed in preparation for standard approval; and document will be ready by the end of May. Conducted a discussion of the CSS Tracking Service document. Plan to develop an integrated XML schema for all navigation data messages. Conducted review of the Attitude Data Message and the Tracking Data Message documents (drafts) Nav WG plans to present a paper at ISSFD, Munich, DE, Oct 2004. Supported SANA discussion on object ID’s. Nav WG has already provided requirements. Joint discussion with the CSS Tracking/Navigation BOF.

3 May 2004Report to MOIMS3 Progress Achieved (1) {Goals and schedules) ODM will be ready for release for promotion to CCSDS BB, by the end of May 2004. This is the final version of the Recommendation, without the XML option. Implementation testing to exchange OEM were exercised between ESOC and JPL. Testing of the OPM in progress between GSFC and JPL, and ESOC and GSOC. XML issue was discussed for future implementation for all Recommendations. We are going to develop a document describing XML schema for all navigation data messages. Attitude data message and tracking data message documents will be updated, per Spring discussions, by the end of July. Expect to release documents for CCSDS wide review by the Fall 2004 meeting. Navigation GB will be updated with additional information. Expect to release the updated version by Sept 2004.

4 May 2004Report to MOIMS4 Progress Achieved (2) {Goals and schedules) Some members of the WG will have a meeting at Munich, in Oct 2004. To make additional progress in TDM and XML. A presentation on XML schema for flight dynamics applications, conducted by GMV, Spain. Based on current level of effort, Nav WG expects to meet the schedule defined in the current charter. All work is expected to be completed in 2005. (Success oriented schedule)

5 May 2004Report to MOIMS5 Open Points Recommend for CCSDS to provide repository for CCSDS XML schemas. CCSDS should consider developing XML infrastructure for common elements; such as time, object ID, etc. From Oct 2003: When a WG goes out of business, how will the produced standards be implemented, maintained and improved? Who is monitoring future needs and future work, as WGs go out of business?

6 May 2004Report to MOIMS6 Action List Period May to Dec 2004 May: ODM internal review and request to CCSDS MC approval for BB. July: Attitude draft RB update, with internal review. Sept: Tracking draft RB update, with internal review. Oct: XML schema proposal and internal review. Oct: ISSFD paper, in progress, to be presented in Oct.

7 May 2004Report to MOIMS7 Resource Problems No problems at this time. However, future workload will be high. Furthermore, there are some uncertainties, for example, the level of effort to complete the XML description.

8 May 2004Report to MOIMS8 Risk Management Update No problems at this time.

9 May 2004Report to MOIMS9 Cross MOIMS WG/BOF Issues Cooperation is expected with the CSS Tracking/Navigation and Spacecraft Control WG. Nav WG will participate, as requested.

10 May 2004Report to MOIMS10 Relations with other areas From Oct 2003: Need clarification on interface with Cross Support Services Area. The topic of mutual interest is the tracking data interface. With which WGs or BOFs do we interface? From Oct 2003: Need clarification on the interface with the Systems Engineering and Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Areas. The topic of interest is timing. With which WGs or BOFs do we interface?

11 May 2004Report to MOIMS11 Resolutions Resolution 1. To request promotion of the ODM RB for approval as official CCSDS Recommendation; upon completion of a final internal WG review in May 2004. Resolution 2. The Navigation WG is pleased to express appreciation to the CSA for their excellent and gracious hosting of this workshop. From Oct 2003: Resolution 4. Radio Metric and Orbit Data 501.0-B-1 is obsolete and can be retired (document has not been moved to the historical archive).

12 May 2004Report to MOIMS12 New Working Items Considering possible requirements for standards to support spacecraft to spacecraft navigation data exchanges.

13 May 2004Report to MOIMS13 Discussion Threads May 2004 Are you happy with the new CCSDS organization (Areas, WGs, BOFs, etc)? –What changes, if any, would you propose? COMMENTS: Not clear on overlap and technical scope, to know what the interfaces are. Ownership of documents after WG’s work is finished? Concept of Areas is good. Difficulty in getting the agencies to commit level of resources. * Are you happy with the new CCSDS procedures: –Standards Track, Non Standards Track, Administrative? COMMENT: Requirement to do implementation tests may result in wasting of resources, if agencies will not accept the standard. –Document Review and approval? COMMENTS: Requirement to use XML for navigation is an example of a WG not having flexibility to decide what is a current best practice in its technical field. –Secretariat services? COMMENT: There was a recent failure of the CCSDS web site, which lasted 2 days or more. Backup equipment is the usual way. –SANA? COMMENT: Nav WG provided comments a long time ago. Why such slow progress? –Industry program? –What changes, if any, would you propose? Are you happy with the trend towards centralized meetings: –1-week Areas, WGs and BOFs? COMMENT: Having everyone together makes for easy interfacing. –1+ day CESG? –CMC and ISO sometimes later? –Tied to OMG in 2005? –What changes, if any, would you propose? Are you happy with the proposed external technical/organizational relationships: –to the OMG? COMMENT: What is the OMG relation to space data systems? OMG does not develop standards based on consensus. Are their processes similar to CCSDS’s? –proposed merger of SC13 and SC14 into a new ISO "TC for Space"? –IOAG? COMMENT: What is the relationship with the IOAG? Does the IOAG contribute to resources? –Mars Program? –Other? –What changes, if any, would you propose?

14 May 2004Report to MOIMS14 Participants F. Flores-Amaya (NASA/GSFC) D. Berry (NASA/JPL) R. Kiehling (DLR) J. Foliard (CNES) Y. Iwana (JAXA) F. Martinez (ESA/GMV) T. Martin-Mur (NASA/JPL) S. Pallaschke (ESA/ESOC) J. VanEepoel (NASA/GSFC)

15 May 2004Report to MOIMS15 Acronyms CCSDS Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CESG CCSDS Engineering Steering Group CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt ESA European Space Agency ESOC European Space Operations Centre ESTEC European Space & Technology Centre GMV Grupo de Mecanica del Vuelo (Space Flight Group) GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center GSOC German Space Operations Center IACG Inter-Agency Consultative Group JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration JAXA Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency

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