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The exposed Tourmalinite veins which are exposed at the depth of 1 metre from the surface running West South directions.

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Presentation on theme: "The exposed Tourmalinite veins which are exposed at the depth of 1 metre from the surface running West South directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The exposed Tourmalinite veins which are exposed at the depth of 1 metre from the surface running West South directions.

2 The exposed Tourmalinite veins which are exposed at the depth of 1 metre from the surface running West South directions taken from a different angle

3 The exposed Tourmalinite veins which are exposed at the depth of 1 metre from the surface running West South directions from a North South directions

4 Trench No 2 showing Weathered Talc Magnetite Schist 50cm from the top Deepest Part of the Main PIT showing the beginning of the Talc Magnetite Schist

5 The tourmalinite vein at 8 metres turning from the West to the Southern directions

6 Main Pit showing the benches Workers at the main Pit

7 Mr Chingwali (in green helmet ) with three of his workers looking the beryl at 10 metres on the southern part of the main pit.

8 Northern side of the main pit

9 At drill hole No 4 we hit the Talc Magnetite Schist at 4 metres

10 The geologist standing on the Southern side of the mine pit Drilltech workers drilling at Plot 67


12 Mr Chingwali with the only machine available with workers in the main pit at 8 metres

13 Drill Cores from the drilled holes

14 The commencement of the Eastern side of the main pit

15 Ministry of Mine officials and Small Scale miners at the Nachingwali camp site

16 Geologists with junior Chingwali holding on to the Magnetometer Machine at the camp.

17 Part of the camp

18 A view of the main camp

19 Vehicle and workers at the camp site

20 Vehicle and tools available at the camp site

21 Mr. Chingwali and the workers at the Camp - 2002

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