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Abcdefghij Financial Partnerships Unit Overview of Scottish NHS policy and development Peter Collings Director of Finance, Scottish Executive Health Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Abcdefghij Financial Partnerships Unit Overview of Scottish NHS policy and development Peter Collings Director of Finance, Scottish Executive Health Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 abcdefghij Financial Partnerships Unit Overview of Scottish NHS policy and development Peter Collings Director of Finance, Scottish Executive Health Department


3 Single System Working  Merger of NHS Trusts and Health Boards completed 1 April 2004  Now 15 territorial Health Boards for Scotland  A managed system rather than one driven by commissioning  Emphasis on NHS Scotland as an entity

4 Community Health Partnerships  New organisations being set up within Health Boards, or in some cases across Health Board boundaries  CHPs are key to ensuring more integrated, community based health care and health services are delivered across Scotland working in partnership with Local Authorities and other key partners such as the Voluntary sector.

5 National framework for service change  A planning exercise underway at present to give a national context to regional and local planning  Clear message that regional and local initiatives should press ahead not wait

6 Financial flows  Basically we fund Health Boards and they spend it!  Some cross boundary flows ( approximately 16% of acute activity)  No market or commissioning mechanisms

7 Publicly funded capital

8 The increase in capital budget means that we have a genuine choice between publicly funded capital and PPP. We will use whichever is better VFM in each case.

9 Joint Ventures (1)  Legal assessment –powers required Consultation a requirement prior to introduction of legislation – ended 14 th May 2004  Submission to Ministers by end June  Seek legislation at earliest opportunity

10 Joint Ventures (2)  Premises development BUT  Within a context of joint working  Within a context of strategic planning  What are the possibilities -  Joint premises, regeneration etc………… PLANNING IS THE KEY TO DELIVERY

11 Conclusion  Significant investment required ranging from major hospitals to local centres  Mix of PPP, Joint Ventures and public capital will be used  Recognise market situation and are committed to working with NHS and private sector to achieve results

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