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TRUTH TEXT COMPLEXITY Teachers will read complex texts anticipate obstacles prepare scaffolding The about.

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Presentation on theme: "TRUTH TEXT COMPLEXITY Teachers will read complex texts anticipate obstacles prepare scaffolding The about."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRUTH TEXT COMPLEXITY Teachers will read complex texts anticipate obstacles prepare scaffolding The about

2 … students who take one or more remedial reading courses and eight years later still do not have a degree or certificate…... 70% Remediation…Graduation… (Adelman, 2004)

3 by Comprehension Level

4 by Textual Element

5 The Truth about Text Complexity Ability to deal with complex text is the clearest differentiator.

6 Mastering Complex Text = KEY  Students who can master the skills necessary to read and understand complex texts are more likely to be college- ready than those who cannot.

7 Determining Complexity  Teachers must understand how particular text features can influence comprehension. (Hiebert, 2013)

8 Determining Complexity QUANTITATIVE  Readbility Indices like Lexile & Guided Reading Levels  lengths of sentences  numbers of challenging words  Measurable with software

9 Determining Complexity QUALITATIVE  Use of exemplar texts  Consideration of student need  “ Face Validity ”  Human judgment is required.

10 Determining Complexity QUALITATIVE  4 Dimensions:  Levels of meaning  Knowledge demands  Language conventions/clarity  Structure  Texts are not uniformly simple or complex across all four dimensions.

11 Determining Complexity READER and TASK  Teacher decides and each text should be used  in which part of the year  with what scaffolding  for which children. how whe n

12 5 th Grade  By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature and informational texts at the high end of the grades 4-5 complexity band, independently and proficiently.

13 8 th Grade  By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature and literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 6-8 complexity band independently and proficiently.

14 11 th Grade  By the end of grade 11, read and comprehend literature and literary nonfiction in the grades 11-CCR text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

15 All students think.

16 The Learning Pyramid We remember:of the: 10%Words We Read 20%Words We Read &Hear 30%Pictures/Movies We See 50%Exhibits We View Demonstrations We Watch 70%Talks We Give Discussions in Which We Participate 90%Real Things in Which We Participate Lessons We Teach to Others PASSIV E ACTIVE

17 The Learning Pyramid We remember:of the: 10%Words We Read 20%Words We Read and Hear 30%Pictures/Movies We See 50%Exhibits We View Demonstrations We Watch 70% Talks We Give Discussions in Which We Participate 90% Real Things in Which We Participate Lessons We Teach to Others PASSIV E: ACTIVE :

18 R.S.V.P.  Relationships  Richness  Structure  Style  Vocabulary  Purpose...subtle, involved, embedded...highly sophisticated...elaborate, sometimes unconventional...intricate...demanding and context-dependent...implicit and sometimes ambiguous

19 70 %  …how much students remember when we allow them to discuss with each other

20 12-Week Marathon Training WEEKMonda y Tuesda y Wedne sday Thursd ay FridaySaturd ay Sunday 13rest43 5 23 43 6 33 43 7 43 53 8 54 54 10rest 64 54 12rest 74 64 14rest 84 64 16rest 95 75 18rest 105rest85 20rest 115rest85 9 125rest53 8 133rest3walk 2rest26.2rest

21 Focused Free Write  How will we help our students overcome the obstacles of increasingly complex text?

22 “LITERACY, in as much as it has anything to do with life, wasn ’ t meant to be EASY.” (Holdaway, 1982)

23 Feedback  What was helpful about this workshop?  What further instruction or resources do you need?

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