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Published byTrevor Maxwell Modified over 9 years ago
Week 9 News Writing
Ch. 3 eWorkbook exercises https://highered.mcgraw- hapter3/exercise_3-4_3.html https://highered.mcgraw- hapter3/exercise_3-4_3.html
Revising long, wordy sentences - 4.3 49. The article, which is titled "In Praise of Brevity," was labeled by most readers as biased. 410. One of the most surprising aspects of the war was the fact that it was never officially declared a war by the president.
4.3 1. This year’s $20 to $25 tickets were $5 more expensive than last year’s. 2. She must make her college years productive. 3. Marcel’s Café is not one of Seattle’s finest French restaurants. 4. The film’s opening scene offers insight into Gollum’s split personality. 5. Wildlife commissioners worry that building seven salamander tunnels under the road from the lake to Percy Park will bust the project’s budget. 6. Students pack campus buildings on rainy days. 7. Avoid food coloring by buying purple tubers for the potato salad. 8. Some anxious students try to impress their professors with wordy exam answers. 9. Most readers said the article, “In Praise of Brevity,” was biased. 10. The president’s decision not to declare war was surprising.
Cutting Jargon & Journalese - 4.4 5. Heightening the drama was the fact that he had called them back from midterm holidays amid adverse weather conditions in Washington. 6. Amid allegations of political opportunism and claims that he had overstepped his authority, the president launched an offensive to convince Congress of the urgent need for action. 7. An important part of implementing his strategy was to nullify the impact of decisions enacted by political operators with hidden agendas. 8. If he didn't act immediately to empower his allies and forestall his opponents, he knew he later might have to put down a bloody uprising by militant members of his own party.
4.4 1. The scientists at the World Health Organization subjected the data to intense scrutiny scrutinized the data before issuing the alert. 2. If not contained with speed, they warned, the virus could spread exponentially and achieve plague status. 3. The president huddled met with his advisers and then acted with a speed that left shocked his political opponents and the media world shell-shocked. 4. In a surprise move, the president went on the offense and called Congress back into session. 5. Heightening the drama was the fact that he had called them back from midterm holidays amid adverse weather conditions during a storm in Washington. 6. Amid allegations of political opportunism and claims that he had overstepped his authority, the president launched an offensive worked to convince Congress of the urgent need for action. 7. An important part of implementing his strategy was to nullify the impact of decisions enacted by counteracting political operators with hidden agendas. 8. If he didn’t act immediately to empower his allies and forestall his opponents, he knew he later might have to put down a bloody uprising a rebellion by militant members of his own party.
Avoiding Cliches - 4.5 5. The officers, who were armed to the teeth, swung into high gear and responded with truncheons and tear gas. 6. Needless to say, the protesters beat a hasty retreat, took to their heels and dispersed, mostly just in the nick of time, with police in hot pursuit. 7. "I've never seen so many people run so fast in so many directions," said Lt. Miguel Cruz, who didn't seem worse for the wear for his part in the incident. 8. City officials say they will leave no stone unturned in exploring ways to make the demonstrators foot the bill for the police response.
4.5 1. The protest, reportedly organized by pacifists from out of town, began with a rally at the courthouse steps, where speakers of all spots and stripes lambasted the U.S. government for its role in the Iraq War. 2. By 8 p.m. the crowd of 200 or so had warmed to a boil become rowdy and began to show its true colors. 3. Cool as cucumbers, Police waited calmly at the corner of 6th and Broadway, where the two forces eventually met. 4. When one group of demonstrators tried to topple a police car, they discovered they had been playing with a powder keg underestimating the efficiency of the police response. 5. The officers, who were armed to the teeth well-armed, swung into high gear and quickly responded with truncheons and tear gas. 6. Needless to say, The protesters beat a hasty retreat retreated, took to their heels and dispersed, mostly just in the nick of time, with police in hot pursuit. 7. “I’ve never seen so many people run so fast in so many directions,” said Lt. Miguel Cruz, who didn’t seem not worse for the wear for his part in the incident. 8. City officials say they will leave no stone unturned in exploring explore ways to make the demonstrators foot the bill pay for the police response.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Ch. 4 eWorkbook - Attributions (p.84-5) 1. “I saw people running. Then a big guy in a yellow hat swerved and smashed into me and I didn’t see anything else,” Szelensky said. 2. “A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier,” H.L. Mencken, one of the most famous journalists of his time, said. 3. “Don’t think of him as a Republican,” said Maria Shriver, who is married to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneggar. “Think of him as the man I love, and if that doesn’t work, think of him as the man who can crush you.” 4. “I don’t like ketchup on my eggs one bit,” Dorfman said. “I’m still waiting to hear something that you do like,” Holland said. 5. Michal Smythe, press representative for the company, said the cyclone had wiped out the corporate headquarters. 6. For instance, former CNN reporter Peter Arnett said: “I’m still in shock and awe at being fired.”
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Ch. 4 eWorkbook exercises answers The attribution should go after the first sentence. 2.Avoid separating the source from “said.” This is one of those awkward attributions that would work better inverted, as in: said H.L. Mencken, one of the most famous journalists of his time. 3.Well-placed and structured attribution. 4.Put the attribution at the beginning of the second quote to avoid suggesting to the reader that Dorfman is still speaking. 5.Correct. 6.It’s acceptable to set up a long quote by putting a colon after the attribution, but this quote is too short to qualify.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Quotes: Punctuation & Attribution p. 92, Test Yourself Exercise #3 a, b, c only
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. AP style practice 1. Joe Java Junior joined the American Automobile Association, just like his father, Joe Java Senior. (3) 2. The reporter said he would meet with the source at the American Broadcasting Company on November 12. (2) 3. The Pres. Of the U.S. lives in the white house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (4) 4. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official said the U.S. could launch ABM missiles at a moment’s notice. (3) 5. Dr. Andrew Jones, Ph.D in psychology, is a pro-life advocate. (3) 6. The fire department was dispatched to Nine Morningside Boulevard to fight a blaze set by accused arsonist Vern Embers. (3) 7. The Chief of Staff in the President’s Administration admitted he was a homosexual. (3)
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. AP style practice answers Joe Java Jr. joined the AAA, just like his father, Joe Java Sr. The reporter said he would meet with the source at ABC on Nov. 12. The president of the United States lives in the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The CIA official said the United States could launch ABMs at a moment’s notice. Andrew Jones, who has a doctorate in psychology, is an anti-abortion advocate. The fire department was dispatched to 9 Morningside Blvd. to fight a blaze. The chief of staff in the president’s administration said he was a homosexual.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Beat Story #1 feedback/Keep in mind for Beat Story #2 Refer to page 59 Lead;Nut graph or second paragraph Check for personal pronouns, passive voice, grammar and punctuation problems. Attribution and Quotes Check for accuracy, fairness and balance, redundancy, cliches etc. AP stylebook
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Grammar: Plurals and Possessives 4Instructions: Please correct the errors in the sentences below. Do not try to avoid the grammar issue by rewriting a sentence. Instead, try to keep the words in the same basic order, but correct the punctuation. 1. The car is the students’. 2. I saw your father at Ricks house. 3. The teacher’s asked the girl’s and boy’s to be quiet. 4. The Detroit Tiger’s baseball team dropped a doubleheader yesterday. 5. The mans son shoveled the walk.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Grammar answers: Plurals and Possessives The car is the student’s. I saw your father at Rick’s house. The teachers asked the girls and boys to be quiet. The Detroit Tigers baseball team dropped a doubleheader yesterday. The man’s son shoveled the walk.
lcome to the world of urnalism, where porters have been gging dirt, raking muck, king headlines and adlines for centuries w. It’s a history full of bloid trash, of slimy nsationalists, of runkards, deadbeats and mmers” (as a Harvard iversity president once scribed reporters). But it’s a history full of roes, too: men and men risking their lives tell stories of war and agedy, risking prisonment to defend ee speech. And as you n see here, reports have come beloved characters p culture, too, turning up movies, comics and TV ows as if guided by an cult hand. Every culture seeks effective ways to spread new information and gossip. In ancient times, news was written on clay tablets. In Caesar’s age, Romans read newsletters compiled by correspondents and handwritten by slaves. Wandering minstrels spread news (and the plague) in the Middle Ages. Them came ink on paper. Voices on airwaves. Newsreels, Web sites, And 24-hour cable news networks. Thus when scholars analyze the rich history of journalism, some view it in terms of technological progress—for example, the dramatic impact of bigger, faster printing presses. Others see journalism as a specialized form literary expression, one that’s constantly evolving, reflecting and shaping its culture. Others see it as an inspiring quest for free speech, an endless power struggle between Authority (trying to control information) and the People (trying to learn the truth). Which brings to mind the words of A.J. Liefling: “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to htose who own one.” In the pages ahead, we’ll take a quick tour of 600 years of journalism history, from hieroglyphics to hypertext: the media, the message and the politics. Technical advances and brilliant ideas forged a new style of journalism. It was a century of change, and newspapers changed dramatically. The typi newspaper of 1800 wa undisciplined mishma legislative proceeding long-winded essays a secondhand gossip. B 1900, a new breed of tor had emerged. Jour had become big busin Reporting was becom disciplined craft. And newspapers were bec more entertaining and essential than ever, w most of the features w expect today: Snappy headlines, Ads, Comic Sports pages. And an “inverted pyramid” sty writing that made stori tighter and newsier. Radio and television brought an end to newspapers’ media monopoly. Why? Well yourself: Which did yo Inside Reporting Tim Harrower Beyond breaking news 6 McGraw-Hill © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Beyond breaking news The world of features The world of features Generating story ideas Generating story ideas Feature style Feature style Feature story structures Feature story structures Writing profiles Writing profiles Enterprise projects Enterprise projects (continued)
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Beyond breaking news (continued) Investigative reporting Investigative reporting Package planning Package planning Short-form alternatives Short-form alternatives Writing editorials and columns Writing editorials and columns Writing reviews Writing reviews
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. The world of features News stories focus on timely, public events. Features are more personal. Include topics, treatments, styles not found in news. Personalizing the news with stories Features explore a variety of topics Lifestyles Health Science and technology Entertainment Food Homes and gardens
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. The world of features Personality profile Human-interest story Color story Backgrounder Trend story Popular feature stories 10 Reaction piece Flashback How-to Consumer guide Personal narrative
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Generating story ideas “Hard” news, “soft” news Relative terms that describe topic and treatment of story. Expect serious, timely events to be written in inverted- pyramid style. Items that are less urgent or somber make up “soft” news.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Generating story ideas Great stories are waiting discovery TV, magazines, newspapers, Web sites Brainstorming
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Generating story ideas Is it a good one? Where did it come from? Is it original? Did it surprise you? Does the idea have movement? Is there a STORY there? Is there tension? Is it true? Do you like the story?
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Generating story ideas Turn your idea into a story See if it’s been done. Focus your angle. Do your research. Write the story.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Feature style Some stories require a livelier, looser, more literary voice Tom Wolfe dubbed it “New Journalism.” Realistic dialogue. Vivid reconstruction of scenes. Viewed through the eyes of the characters. Recording everyday details.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Feature style Successful feature writers rely on literary techniques Syntax & phrasing Voice & tense Detail & description Dramatic techniques
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Feature style Successful feature writers… Helpful tips Write tightly. Vary sentence structure. Match treatment to topic. Don’t overdo. Avoid 1 st person. Stay objective. Read.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Feature story structures Standard story structures How long should this story be? What key points do I need to make? Think visually.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing profiles Good profiles reveal feelings, attitudes, habits and mannerisms How to research and write successful profiles Solicit your subject’s support. Interview and observe. Find your focus. Follow up with interviews and research. Structure your story.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing profiles Sample story structures for profiles Anecdotal lead Engaging, revealing small story to lure readers in Nut graf Summarizes why this person matters now Scene #1 Observe subject in action using dialog, details, descriptions Chronology Recap of subject’s past
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing profiles Sample story structures… Scene #2 Another look at the subject in action What lies ahead Plans, dreams, goals and obstacles Closing quote
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing profiles 1. Capture details. 2. Re-create scenes. 3. Add quotes and dialogue. Ways to paint a better portrait 3
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Week 9 Assignments Beat Story #2 first draft Deadline: Wednesday, May 15 at 8 a.m. Group work - TBA via email will cover material from Chapters 4, 5, or 6 I will assign groups. You will also be able to choose which assignment you do.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Next week: Cover Ch.6, pages 126-136 Go over group work Answer any and all questions related to Beat story #1 and #2
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Enterprise projects Finding the time Work with your editors. Make lists. Prioritize. Devote time each day. Keep the project organized. Don’t overwork. Enterprise stories explore Why, How, and What Happens Next
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Enterprise projects Start with thesis. Do your research. Report. Report. Report. Doing the reporting Control the material. Look for universal connections.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Enterprise projects Keep a running list of questions and things to do. Talk to your editor every day. Doing the reporting Cooperate with photographers, designers, graphics staff.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Enterprise projects Write from the first. Write after each interview. Writing the story Rewrite each time. Plan your ending. Save often, print frequently.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Enterprise projects Don’t be afraid of the edit. Writing the story Seek outside input. Enjoy the process.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Investigative reporting Investigation is the work of the reporter. Subject involves something of importance to readers. Others are attempting to hide these matters from public. Proud tradition may be in decline Digging up dirt Be skeptical… …but remain objective. Focus tightly. Cast a wide net. Keep your nose clean. Work the Web.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Package planning Photocopy page 127. Summarize story idea in 25 words or less. Answer questions readers will ask. Using the package-planning form Specify photos or illustrations. Write headline/deck. Set staff, deadlines, lengths. Create rough layout.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Short-form alternatives Fast-facts box Bio box Checklist List Step-by-step guide To reach readers, condense the data Quiz Factual index Diagram Quote collection Timeline
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing editorials and columns Editorial – usually from 300 to 500 words; comments on current events; appears to express the opinion of the paper Editorials and columns provide personality and passion to a paper Editorial cartoon – combines art and commentary of current events Column – signed opinion
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing editorials and columns Topical commentary Reaction to events Personal meditations Personal life Slice of life Storyteller Columns: The options are endless Advice for columnists Develop a distinctive voice. Do your own reporting. Choose worthy topics. Avoid jumping on bandwagons. Always have a backup.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing editorials and columns Column logos Different headline font Initial cap How do readers recognize this story is an opinion column?
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing reviews Criticism – study, evaluation and interpretation of the arts For reader-friendly reviews, create a fact box. Readers depend on critics for advice
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing reviews Structure your reviews. Balance reporting and opinion. Know your stuff. Be aware of biases. Don’t be pompous. Don’t be cruel. How to write criticisms
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing reviews Other Don'ts Don’t reveal plot twists or story endings. Don’t add unnecessary phrases. Avoid vague adjectives. How to write criticisms Don’t be negative of amateur or childrens plays. Don’t get personal. Don’t take it personal.
McGraw-Hill Slide © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing reviews Get to the point. Add rating system. Create fast-fact boxes for readers. Graphic extras
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