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R ESUME W RITING C LINIC : A TRIO/SSS P RESENTATION Presented by Sabrina C. Zertuche, Writing Consultant MFD Writing Center, Part of the Academic Center.

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Presentation on theme: "R ESUME W RITING C LINIC : A TRIO/SSS P RESENTATION Presented by Sabrina C. Zertuche, Writing Consultant MFD Writing Center, Part of the Academic Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 R ESUME W RITING C LINIC : A TRIO/SSS P RESENTATION Presented by Sabrina C. Zertuche, Writing Consultant MFD Writing Center, Part of the Academic Center for Excellence. Library 101 February 02, 2015

2 T YPES OF R ESUMES Chronological  Most commonly used format.  List work history in order of most recent job down to earliest job.  OWL Purdue Sample: 85778568_927.pdf 85778568_927.pdf

3 T YPES OF R ESUMES CONT. Functional  Focus on skills and experience first.  Employment history listed secondary.  OWL Purdue Sample: 85778954_927.pdf 85778954_927.pdf

4 T YPES OF R ESUMES CONT. Combination  Highlights both skills and experience with chronological work history.  Can be tailored to a prospective job.  Cornell Career Services Sample: ad/CombinationResume2013.pdf

5 T YPES OF R ESUMES CONT. Targeted  Completely customized in detail to prospective job.  All included information mirrors job requirements.  Sample: e.htm e.htm  Targeted Resume Additional Info:  reatingYourTargetedResume.pdf reatingYourTargetedResume.pdf  writing/types-of-resumes/targeted-resume-summary- of-qualifications-example/ writing/types-of-resumes/targeted-resume-summary- of-qualifications-example/

6 R ESUME L ANGUAGE Use Action Words & Phrases  resume/100-great-resume-words.cfm resume/100-great-resume-words.cfm Make sentences direct. No room for fluff! No spelling, punctuation, grammar, or typographical errors allowed. Do not use “I.”

7 R ESUME L ANGUAGE CONT. Active Verbs  For example, "helped" and "assisted" are both active verbs, but they frequently fail to portray the applicant as an actor. Instead of "Helped my advisor research..." consider "Researched..." or "Collaborated with my advisor to research..." The revised verbs "researched" and "collaborated" portray you as an actor. However, make your active verb choices based on the skills required for your job or keywords in the job description. If the word assist has a specific technical meaning in your field, then you would want to use that verb on your resume (Resume Writing Tips).keywords

8 R EFERENCES Doyle, A. (n.d.). Resume Types: Chronological, Functional, Combination, Targeted. Retrieved February 3, 2015, from Resume Writing Tips. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from What are the Different Types of Resume Formats? (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from resume-formats resume-formats

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