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Identifying Dialect Regions Specific features vs. overall measures using the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas and Multidimensional Scaling.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying Dialect Regions Specific features vs. overall measures using the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas and Multidimensional Scaling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying Dialect Regions Specific features vs. overall measures using the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas and Multidimensional Scaling

2 Outline Background –Romanian –RODA –MDS Dialects: England, Finland and Romania What makes a dialect?

3 Romanian

4 Romanian and Romance

5 RODA: Romanian Online Dialect Atlas or temporarily at http://ericwheeler.ca under research

6 RODA: Technology

7 MDS: multi-dimensional scaling

8 England ( CLAE )

9 Finland

10 Geography ~ Linguistics In both the English and the Finnish cases, “geography” closely maps to “dialect distance”: –Geographically-distant regions are dialect-distant –Geographically-compact areas are dialect-compact –Overall arrangement of areas is (mostly) the same in both cases No Surprise: geography is a factor in dialectology and the exceptions have explanations

11 North-West Romania In North-west Romania, this is not the case. –There are two areas in the south that are suitably separate –The rest overlay one another in ways that do not match geography –Areas that we expect to be separate are not, e.g.: Oaş divides into two areas Both are mixed in with other dialect areas.

12 North West Romania

13 North West Romania (part)

14 Oaş (non-palatalized dentals) Oaş

15 Oaş (1)

16 Oaş (2)

17 Oaş (3)

18 What makes a dialect area? Selected features show Oaş as a separate dialect area MDS on “all data” shows Oaş as two areas, intermixed with the surrounding areas

19 What is a Dialect?

20 Different features- Different maps

21 Overlay Technically, we can overlay several patterns on one map So, where are the dialect regions?

22 (I) Distinct dialect regions Each dialect region is defined by a unique set of features Even though some of the features are shared from region to region

23 (II) Overlapping dialect regions Or, do we keep only 3 overlapping dialect regions?

24 Multiple patterns The question arises over and over because: Every feature has its own pattern Many patterns coincide in some locations and not in others Features that are quantitative have potentially infinite possibilities How do we put these patterns together consistently?

25 Proposal: Dialect Structure

26 Hierarchy of dialect patterns

27 Dialect Structure We propose to speak of the dialect structure Multiple levels Dialect region exists at one (or more) level(s) At different levels, there are different patterns of dialect regions It is the total “dialect structure” that is essential, rather than any one level or view of it.

28 Quantity

29 Quantitative Measures: Raised, word-final /e/ vs schwa Data from: 407 maps Field 1 Raised /e/ (horizontal) Raised schwa (vertical) Raised schwa is also wide-spread but does not always coincide with raised /e/ (cf. 158, 159)

30 Quantitative Measures Examples: Is there vowel raising? (Answer can cover many degrees of raising) How many occurrences of syllabic /u/ vs. non- syllabic /u/ (Answers range from 0 to 400+)

31 Quantity in Dialect Structure At any level of dialect structure, the distinction between regions can be variable because of the quantitative nature of what is being measured and where we choose to set the threshold. This threshold is part of the “dialect structure” too.

32 Dialect Structure Hierarchy of levels –Ground level, intermediate levels, top level Thresholds for variable measures Views of the whole structure –View = dialect map at a given level and threshold MDS can provide one top-level view, where every measured features has equal weight

33 North West Romania

34 Reality of the Dialect Structure Does the multi-level, quantitatively variable structure correspond to something real? Or, are the patterns just the artifacts of waves of change moving through the speech community, overlaid by new patterns through time

35 Reality: England, Finland Distinctions seem to be: Clear cut Persistent Explained by geography (mostly) So perhaps the dialect structure is “real”

36 Reality: Romania In Daco-Romanian, most distinguishing features are phonetic or lexical Fewer morphological or syntactic distinctions If the dialect areas are “real”, will they eventually also show more differences including differences in morphology and syntax?

37 Summary RODA is up and working –We have used it to investigate interesting problems in Romance and Romanian Our investigations have forced us to ask “what is a dialect?” Our proposal: A “dialect structure” with multiple levels and quantitative thresholds –Open Question: is it real?

38 RODA: Romanian Online Dialect Atlas or temporarily at http://ericwheeler.ca under research

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