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Data presentation Deadline – 15/10/09. What is in the data presentation section? tally chart locating each road to a ward bar graphs for each site compound.

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Presentation on theme: "Data presentation Deadline – 15/10/09. What is in the data presentation section? tally chart locating each road to a ward bar graphs for each site compound."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data presentation Deadline – 15/10/09

2 What is in the data presentation section? tally chart locating each road to a ward bar graphs for each site compound bar graph using the maps of central, north and south could use a variety of graphs to show – housing type per ward using pie charts or bar charts – bedrooms and pie charts photographs – graphs on top of the photo

3 Tally chart I have given you some data tables These show collated data from the two fieldtrips You need to create a tally chart using the information I have given you as shown on the whiteboard

4 Locating the wards The table I have given you does not have the wards located on it Using the maps of Cleethorpes you have locate which ward each street is in Put the correct letter either N/C/S in the correct box on the table

5 Homework Create new tables with the information you have got today

6 Bar charts Basic bar charts are very useful for showing simple information

7 Pie charts Pie charts are very useful for showing simple information in the environmental survey

8 Average bar charts – complex techniques Take the average score for each category at each site and create a bar graph Do this for each site Then take an A3 map and stick the 6 graphs on to the map Using lines/arrows show where the sites are

9 Compound bar graphs – complex technique On whiteboard

10 Overlay graphs On whiteboard Using questionnaire data For example an A3 map of Cleethorpes Using the information on Housing type create pie charts for each ward to show the % of Housing types

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