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General Psychology (PY110)

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1 General Psychology (PY110)
Chapter 5 Memory

2 Split Second 30 Seconds Forever Sensory Short-Term Long-Term
Limited Capacity Limited Duration

3 Increasing Short Term Memory
Goal= Short term Long Term Maintenance Rehearsal repeating information in short-term memory to keep in from fading from short-term memory Chunking a strategy for making more efficient use of short-term memory by recoding information

4 Information Processing System
Encoding The process of transferring information from one memory stage to the next Storage The process of maintaining information in a particular stage Retrieval The process of bringing stored information from long-term memory to the conscious level in short-term memory Not sure what to title this.

5 Encoding Failure Encoding failure theory says that sometimes forgetting is not really forgetting, but rather that the information never entered long-term memory in the first place. Now an example of encoding failure…

6 An Example of Encoding Failure

7 Methods for Improving Encoding
Mnemonics: Useful for remembering lists of items, especially ordered lists, especially ordered lists, speeches, and long passages of text. Spacing (Distributed)effect: Superior long term memory for spaced study versus massed study (cramming).

8 Methods of Retrieval Recall Recognize Relearn
requires the reproduction of the information with essentially no retrieval cues Example: Essay Recognize Multiple choice Relearn also called the savings method, is a measure of the amount of time saved when learning the information for a second time Studying for a comprehensive final

9 Recall

10 Primary Effect and Recency Effect
In a list of words the recall of the items at the start of the list is superior to those in the middle. Primacy Recency In the same list the recall of the words at the end of the list will also be superior

11 Ebbinghaus Curve for Forgetting

12 Theories of Forgetting
Interference Theory Proposes that other information interferes and makes the forgotten information inaccessible. There are two types of interference…

13 Types of Interference Proactive interference occurs when information you already know makes it hard to retrieve newly learned information Retroactive interference occurs when information you just learned makes it hard to retrieve old information

14 Proactive and Retroactive

15 Storage Decay Theory suggests that forgetting occurs because of a problem in the storage of the information The biological trace of the memory gradually decays over time and the periodic usage of the information will help to maintain it in storage

16 Psychoanalytic Repression
Unknowingly placing an unpleasant memory or thought in the unconscious. Not remembering a traumatic incident in which you witnessed a crime.

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