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Translating education into employability Anne Marie Graham Skills and Qualifications Adviser ATC Conference, 25 09 2008 CBI, London.

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Presentation on theme: "Translating education into employability Anne Marie Graham Skills and Qualifications Adviser ATC Conference, 25 09 2008 CBI, London."— Presentation transcript:

1 Translating education into employability Anne Marie Graham Skills and Qualifications Adviser ATC Conference, 25 09 2008 CBI, London

2 Graduate Placement Scheme Gateways to the Professions report highlighted issues for translation and interpreting: –Lack of native English speakers entering undergraduate (and postgraduate) study; –Issues for employers who cannot rely on non-natives e.g. MoD, GCHQ –University degrees do not necessarily ensure fitness to practice in the professions

3 Graduate Placement Scheme A model for structured work placements in translation companies for postgraduate students of translation, calibrated to the National Occupational Standards in Translation o Enhance university-employer collaboration o Increase work-readiness of graduates

4 Project outcomes Model for work placements in translation Graduate Placement Handbook - guidelines tailored for employers, students and HEIs - student portfolio - relevant H&S information and legal information Network of links between universities-employers Work ready, employable students

5 Wider outcomes Strong co-operation and established links between HEIs and companies for the purpose of work placements Graduate Placement Framework available for use in all HEIs and host companies Resources for National Network for Translation Resources and support for translation employers

6 Where do we go from here? Portal to advertise placements (launch November 08)  Involve more HEIs offering translation courses  Involve more employers in offering translation-related work placements  Create a more flexible, nationwide coverage  Create a European-wide pilot scheme

7 Contacts and reference Anne Marie Graham Skills and Qualifications Adviser

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