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Unit 1001 Safe working practices in construction © Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted Learning Outcome 9 Fire and emergency procedures.

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1 Unit 1001 Safe working practices in construction © Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted Learning Outcome 9 Fire and emergency procedures

2 Unit 1001 Safe working practices in construction © Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted How fires start Fire needs three things to burn – fuel, heat and oxygen. If all these are present a fire will spread. Fire moves by burning fuel along the way.

3 Unit 1001 Safe working practices in construction © Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted Firefighting equipment Fire extinguishers – metal canisters with a substance (water, foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder) that can put out fires. You must use the right type for the right type of fire. Fire blankets – usually found in kitchens as they are good at putting out cooking fires. They smother the fire and stop oxygen from getting to it.

4 Unit 1001 Safe working practices in construction © Pearson Education 2010 Printing and photocopying permitted Fire safety ●If the fire alarm is sounded, you will need to evacuate the building. ●You must know the muster points when you evacuate the building. ●All buildings will have unique fire evacuation procedures. What is the fire evacuation procedure in your building?

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