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Respiratory Protection

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1 Respiratory Protection
An Overview

2 Respiratory Protection
This presentation will cover the following: When respirators are needed Types of respirators and their limitations What you must do when respirators are required What you must do when respirators are optional (worn voluntarily)

3 When Are Respirators Needed?
In an oxygen-deficient atmosphere When chemical “Permissible Exposure Limits” are exceeded When required by a pesticide label When you require it by company policy Oxygen deficiency is defined as oxygen less than 19.5% (normal air is 21% oxygen). Normally, an oxygen deficiency will only be found in a confined space or a major chemical leak or spill. We will cover Permissible Exposure Limits in following slides. There are only a few pesticides that have have label requirements for respirators – mainly agriculture insecticides and certain building fumigants. Some employers require their employees to wear respirators as a safety precaution even though they may not be required by WISHA. Respirators would also be required when entering a confined space known to have contaminated air, but levels are not known, or when entering a hazardous waste site where air sampling has not yet been done. In these cases you must assume the worst or highest levels of air contaminants until sampling determines what actual levels are. Respirators may also be required when exposed to people with active TB or when exposed to hazardous levels of biological agents in the air. Normally, an oxygen deficiency will only be found in a confined space or a major chemical leak or spill. Permissible exposure limits are covered in following slides. There are only a few pesticides that have label requirements for respirators. Some employers require their employees to wear respirators as a safety precaution even though they may not be required by WISHA.

4 Oxygen Deficiency Oxygen deficiency can occur in confined or enclosed spaces, during fires or large chemical releases. Normal air contains 21% oxygen. An area with oxygen content below 19.5 % is considered “oxygen deficient”. Only a supplied air respirator can protect against the effects of oxygen deficiency. Oxygen deficiency usually only occurs in confined spaces, which many employers do not have. We mention it here because when it does occur, it can be deadly. Mental confusion occurs at about 16% oxygen, workers will begin passing out at oxygen levels below 10%. If oxygen drops below 8%, it can be immediately lethal. Supplied-air respirators are required when oxygen is below 19.5 %. 21% 19.5% 8% 21% 0% Immediate death Oxygen content Oxygen deficiency exists

5 Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)
Toxic chemicals and dusts Most chemicals and dusts have limits in the air that will cause adverse health effects if exceeded. If airborne levels cannot be reduced below these limits by other means, respirators must be provided to protect exposed employees. There are about 600 chemicals with listed permissible exposure limits in WISHA regulations. Most of these limits are based on 8-hour average exposures, but some have short-term exposure limits based on 15 minute exposures. A few have ceiling limits, which can’t be exceeded even for an instant. The limits are based on the levels at which harmful effects are first know to occur.

6 Why Respirators Are the Last Choice
Respirators have major limitations: They can leak, wear out, or be the wrong kind They can be hot, uncomfortable and make it hard to see or communicate They can be hard to breathe through They are easily removed in contaminated air The first choice is to reduce chemical exposure by other means. Most people do not like wearing respirators and may remove them to talk to another worker. Tight-fitting respirators are especially susceptible to leaking.

7 How to Avoid Using Respirators
Use one or more of the following controls to reduce exposure to airborne chemicals: Ventilation Dust suppression with water Eliminate use of chemical Substitute with a less toxic chemical Isolate or enclose the chemical processes Other processing changes As an alternative to respirators these control methods should be explored first. It is your choice what method to use. If ventilation is used, local exhaust ventilation is the most effective. Another possible method is to reduce the time of an individual’s daily exposure to the chemical. This will not work for chemicals that have a ceiling or peak permissible exposure limit, however. Respirators should be used only if these methods are not feasible or don’t reduce exposure.

8 Types of Respirators Air-purifying respirators – filters air through cartridges or filtering facepieces (dust masks) Powered air-purifying respirators – filters air through cartridges with assistance of a blower. Airline respirators – provides unlimited clean air from a compressor. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) – provides minutes of clean air from a tank. Escape respirators – provides air for escape only from a small bottle. Respirators either “purify” contaminated air by means of filters, or provide clean, uncontaminated air from an air compressor or tank. Airline respirators can also get air from a large bank of air cylinders, although this is not common. Air-purifying respirators are sometimes called “negative pressure respirators” because of the negative pressure that occurs inside the mask when the user inhales.

9 Types of Air-purifying Respirators
Half-face cartridge respirator Filtering facepiece (dust mask) As the name implies, dust masks can only be used for exposure to dusts. These respirators are disposable and typically used for one day or shift. Half-face cartridge respirators can provide protection against chemicals with the correct cartridge. Full-face cartridge respirators provide eye protection from irritating chemicals and fit tighter, making them more protective than half-face respirators. Powered air purifying respirators(PAPRs) have a battery-powered blower which pulls air through a filter and blows it into the facepiece. This provide less breathing resistance and some cooling of air. They are usually more comfortable to wear than regular cartridge respirators.They can provide better protection than a half-face cartridge respirator or dust mask, and depending on the type, can provide higher protection than a full-face cartridge respirator. Full-face cartridge respirator Powered air-purifying respirator

10 Air-Purifying Respirators
Air-purifying respirators trap air contaminants in a cartridge or filter when the wearer inhales. Particulate respirators capture dusts, mists and welding fumes. Chemical cartridge respirators capture gases and vapors. Combination cartridges are available. These type of respirators have many limitations and restrictions and cannot be used where air contaminant levels are extremely high or when there is an oxygen deficiency.

11 How Cartridge Respirators Work
“This picture shows how air moves in and out of the respirator. The act of breathing creates a negative pressure inside the mask, which is why these and dust masks are sometimes called “negative pressure respirators”. If the mask does not fit properly along the edges, contaminated air can enter. This is why fit-testing is essential when using these kind of respirators. Air inhaled in Air inhaled in Air exhaled out This picture shows how air moves in and out of the respirator. The act of breathing creates a negative pressure inside the mask, which is why these and dust masks are sometimes called “negative pressure respirators”. If the mask does not fit properly along the edges, contaminated air can enter during inhalation.

12 Air-purifying Respirator Limitations
Cartridges must be changed periodically to provide protection. The right cartridge for the contaminant of concern must be chosen. Air-purifying respirators provide protection up to 10 or 100 times the PEL. Will not provide adequate protection in confined spaces, major leaks or spills or for certain highly toxic chemicals. Respirator cartridges are color-coded for the type of chemical or dust they protect against.

13 Respirator Protection Factor
Half-face cartridge and dust mask respirators only provide protection to levels 10 times above the chemical or dust permissible limit. Example “ Another way of saying this is that a half-face respirator reduces the amount of chemical inside the respirator to one tenth of the concentration outside the respirator. If the level of chemical in the air is more than 10 times the permissible limit, you would need a more protective respirator. In the case of ammonia, a half-face respirator can be used when levels in the air are as high as 250 ppm. If the level is higher, a more protective respirator is needed. A full-face respirator will provide protection up to 100 times the permissible exposure limit – for ammonia, up to 2500 ppm. Some PAPRs can provide protection up to 1000 times the permissible limit. Permissible limits for about 600 chemicals are published by WISHA. They are often listed in “parts per million” or “ppm” in the air. 100 ppm is one hundred parts per million of the chemical in one million parts of air. 100 ppm is not much chemical in the air, but it can be enough to make you sick. The limits for some very toxic chemicals are much lower.” Respirator Protection Factor for ammonia – 250 ppm Ammonia Permissible Limit – 25 ppm ppm = parts per million

14 Limits of Chemical Cartridges
Chemical cartridges can absorb only so much chemical. When their capacity is reached, breakthrough will occur. You can’t always tell if a respirator leaks by a chemical odor. Some chemicals have no odor, or can only be smelled at high levels. “ Breakthrough means the chemical goes through the cartridge into the facepiece. If a worker smells the chemical with their respirator on , they will know it is not working. But if the chemical has no odor, or it can only be detected at high levels above the permissible limit, they may not know if your respirator is working properly. For these reasons, cartridges must be changed regularily” Breakthrough means the chemical goes through the cartridge into the facepiece. If a worker smells the chemical with their respirator on, they will know it is not working. But if the chemical has no odor, or it can only be detected at high levels above the permissible limit, they may not know if your respirator is working properly. For these reasons, cartridges must be changed regularly.

15 Supplied Air Respirators
Airline respirators provide air from a compressor. SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) provide air from a tank. Airline respirators provide unlimited amounts of air, SCBA tanks provide 30, 45 or 60 minutes of air. These respirators are needed in situations where air contaminant levels are very high, such as confined spaces, major leaks or spills, fire fighting or activities with extremely toxic chemicals. Supplied air respirators can provide protection up to 1000 to 10,000 above the permissible exposure limit, depending on the type of respirator. The two types of respirators shown here have tight-fitting facepieces. Loose fitting respirators are also available. Airline Respirator SCBA Clean air comes from a compressor or tank and provides the highest protection to users. Supplied air respirators can provide protection up to 1000 to 10,000 above the permissible exposure limit, depending on the type of respirator. The two types of respirators shown here have tight-fitting facepieces. Loose fitting respirators are also available.

16 Loose-fitting supplied air respirators
Hood Helmet Air is supplied from these respirators by means of a hose from an air compressor. These are the only type of respirators that do not require fit-testing. Their protection varies depending on the type. The loose-fitting facepiece is the least protective of this type. facepiece Full Body Suit Air is supplied from these respirators by means of a hose from an air compressor. These are the only type of respirators that do not require fit-testing. Their protection varies depending on the type. The loose-fitting facepiece is the least protective of this type.

17 When Are Supplied-air Respirators Required?
Oxygen deficiency High levels of toxic chemicals in the air – above “IDLH” levels Other conditions of high levels of highly toxic chemicals in the air Firefighting Unlike air-purifying respirators (cartridge-type respirators or dust masks), supplied air respirators provide a high degree of protection for the user in these life-threatening situations. If air contaminant or oxygen levels are unknown and testing can’t be done in confined spaces, emergency spills or leaks or at hazardous waste sites, it must assumed that IDLH levels are exceeded and supplied air respirator must be worn. Assume the worst case, unless you have evidence otherwise.

18 What is “IDLH”? “IDLH” means immediately dangerous to life or health Most chemicals have a listed IDLH level link to NIOSH IDLH Table Oxygen deficiency is also IDLH IDLH conditions can occur in confined or enclosed spaces, large chemical spills or leaks and fires IDLH IDLH is defined as “ an atmospheric condition that would cause an immediate threat to life, or cause permanent or delayed adverse health effects or interfere with an employee’s ability to escape”. In other words, the amount of chemical in the air is so high, it will cause death or permanent harm. In addition to confined spaces (tanks, vaults, sewers etc), IDLH conditions can occur in “enclosed spaces” such as rooms or buildings with little or no ventilation where there has been a chemical release of a highly toxic chemical. In most workplaces, IDLH conditions rarely occur. Confined spaces are the exception - IDLH conditions are much more common in sewers or tanks where welding is done or which contained chemicals or fuel. The NIOSH IDLH table has two lists of IDLH levels – “Original IDLH Values” and “Revised IDLH Values”. Either one can be used - original values are typically higher than revised values. The “Original Values” are enforced by WISHA. [Discuss your locations or tasks where IDLH conditions exist here] In most workplaces, IDLH conditions rarely occur. Confined spaces are the exception - IDLH conditions are much more common in sewers or tanks where welding is done or which contained chemicals or fuel.

19 Escape Respirators Escape bottle attached to airline respirator system
Carried escape respirator These can’t be used for entry – going in a room to turn off a valve or make a repair. They only contain 5-10 minutes supply of air, enough time to exit a room or building where there has been a major chemical leak or spill, or when the supplied air respirator fails.

20 Air Quality for Supplied Air Respirators
Air for tanks or from compressors must be “Grade D” air. Tank air is purchased from vendors. Compressors supply air for airline respirators. Compressor air must be equivalent to Grade D air. Low pressure compressors may not provide adequate amount of air. Grade D air has stringent requirements. Qualified vendors provide this air. For employers, assuring Grade D equivalent air requires filters on compressors an careful placement of air intakes away from contaminated air. The exhaust from gasoline-powered compressors can contaminate the air. In-plant compressors, if oil lubricated, can contaminate the air if overheating occurs and inadequate filters and/or carbon monoxide detectors are not installed and maintained. Low-pressure compressors (sometimes called ambient air compressors) do not generate enough air pressure to provide adequate air to respirators where exposure to high levels of chemicals occurs. Link to Grade D air requirements

21 Construction & Plant Air Compressors
Use these compressors with caution Be careful – these do not provide clean air without a filter system!! Oil-lubricated compressor are especially hazardous. You must test for carbon monoxide or have a high temperature alarm. Locate air intake away from engine exhaust which can contaminate breathing air. [optional slide, if you use these type of compressors.] The use of these type of compressors is allowed, but must be used with caution. Oil-lubricated compressors are especially susceptible to contamination from the oil itself or from carbon monoxide from overheated oil. If these compressors are used, the air must be filtered before use and they must supply at least 4 cfm of air.

22 Respirator Selection One of the most important task is selecting the correct respirator for the hazard. Knowledge of chemical identity, extent of use, levels in the air and permissible limits is needed. You must conduct a workplace hazard assessment – air sampling may be necessary.                                                                        You don’t want to under-protect or over-protect employees. The most difficult part of the hazard assessment is determining the amount of chemical in the air in worker’s breathing zone. L & I industrial hygiene consultants can conduct air monitoring for you to determine this level. Personal air sampler

23 Respirator Selection Conditions Type of Respirator
IDLH conditions or oxygen deficiency SCBA or airline respirator with escape bottle Dust/chemical levels up to 1000 times PEL Airline respirator with full facepiece or hood Dust/chemical levels up to 100 times PEL Air-purifying respirator with full facepiece Dust/chemical levels up to 50 times PEL Powered air purifying respirator with half facepiece Dust/chemical levels up to 10 times PEL Air-purifying respirator with half facepiece

24 Respirators Must Fit Properly
Respirator Fit Respirators Must Fit Properly Fit-testing must be done before first wearing a respirator. Tight-fitting respirators must fit properly to prevent leaks around the edges. Beards are not allowed when wearing a tight-fitting respirator because they will leak. “ Fit-testing is extremely important because without a tight fit, a respirator is nearly useless. You may think you are protected when in fact you are not, if the respirator does not fit properly. Some loose-fitting respirators do not require fit-testing and work with beards. But for tight-fitting respirators, beards are not allowed because they will always cause a respirator to leak around the edges. Even a day’s growth of facial hair can cause a leak. Mustaches are usually O.K. Goatees usually cause the respirator to leak unless they are small.” [Optional] “WISHA will cite us if they find employees with beards wearing respirators. This is one area where safety takes precedence over personal appearance.”

25 Respirator Fit-testing
Checking fit of respirator on individual employees Required for all tight-fitting respirators. Four qualitative methods and three quantitative – your choice. Quantitative methods are more accurate. Fit-testing methods are covered in detail in the Respirator Rule. Fit-testing methods are spelled out in detail in the Respirator Rule. There are four qualitative methods – banana oil(isoamyl acetate), bitrex, saccharin, and irritant smoke, and three quantitative methods where instruments are used. The quantitative instrument shown is called a “Portacount”. Link to fit-testing methods

26 Medical Evaluations Medical evaluations are required for anyone wearing respirators. Respirator use places a burden on the body. Respirators can be hazardous to people with heart or lung problems. Air-purifying respirators restrict breathing, particularly during heavy exercise. They also can add to heat stress in hot conditions. Tank-type respirators (SCBAs) are heavy. Airline respirators and PAPRs are less of a burden to the body. Air-purifying respirators restrict breathing, particularly during heavy exercise. They also can add to heat stress in hot conditions. Tank-type respirators (SCBAs) are heavy. Airline respirators and PAPRs are less of a burden to the body.

27 Medical Questionnaire
First step in medical evaluation is a confidential medical questionnaire. Employee completes it and sends it directly to medical provider. Medical provider decides if medical exam needed. The results are only used to determine if respirators can be worn. The information in this questionnaire and the medical exam can’t be shared with the employer. An employer will only get a notice stating the employee can or cannot wear respirators.

28 Respirator cleaning & maintenance
Respirators must be cleaned, inspected and maintained regularly. Respirator maintenance and repair are essential for proper functioning. Store in a clean, dry place. Cartridges are not cleaned, only disposed. Regular cleaning is especially important in dusty conditions. Don’t store like this!

29 Employee Training Training is required for any employee wearing respirators. Training must cover why respirators needed, their limitations, how to clean and maintain and how to use. Hands-on training is especially important for emergencies and SCBA use. Some respirator vendors will provide training. WISHA also has respirator training programs on their webpage. Link to respirator training modules

30 What is required in a respirator program?
Respirator program administrator Written procedures and records Proper respirator selection Medical evaluation of respirator users Fit-testing of respirators to each user Respirator maintenance, repair & storage Assured air quality for supplied-air respirators Employee training A sample respirator program is available on the WISHA webpage.

31 Written Respirator Program
Prepared materials: from manufacturers From WISHA sample program Other boiler plate programs Must be workplace-specific Much of your written program can be composed of compiled procedures from several sources. In other words, you don’t need to “tailor” these procedures since they they are not really workplace-specific. For example: the appropriate fit testing procedure you have chosen can be copied from the appendix of the standard. (but don’t copy the entire fit test appendix-just the procedures that you will be using) You can also copy and use manufacturer’s information on cleaning and maintenance found in the respirator manual. “Workplace specific” some procedures will need to reflect your specific workplace practices. Be careful of “boiler plate” programs which may not describe your workplace’s selection considerations or its specific emergency procedures. The purpose of a written procedure is to get a specific, consistent outcome by giving instructions that can be applied in your actual work area. Link to sample written respirator program Much of your written program can be composed of compiled procedures from several sources. But some procedures will need to reflect your specific workplace practices. Be careful of “boiler plate” programs which may not describe your workplace’s selection considerations or its specific emergency procedures. The purpose of a written procedure is to get a specific, consistent outcome by giving instructions that can be applied in your actual work area.

32 Voluntary Respirator Use
If you allow employees to wear respirators: Provide the mandatory handout, ensure safe use, provide medical evaluations ensure proper cleaning, storage and maintenance Link to mandatory handout These requirements apply to voluntary use of all respirators including dust masks. Fit-testing is not required.

33 WISHA Respirator Regulations
Everything covered in this presentation is required in these regulations – WAC Link to respirator rule

34 Additional Information and Assistance
More information on respirators is available on the WISHA webpage at: For additional assistance, you can call one of our consultants. Click below for local L & I office locations:

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