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Research Paper Format What to submit?. Components  WEEK 10: In a folder, please submit the following:  Rough drafts of paper  Complete paper with:

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Presentation on theme: "Research Paper Format What to submit?. Components  WEEK 10: In a folder, please submit the following:  Rough drafts of paper  Complete paper with:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Paper Format What to submit?

2 Components  WEEK 10: In a folder, please submit the following:  Rough drafts of paper  Complete paper with:  Title page in APA format (use book or website as guide)  8-10 page paper including the following:  Thesis statement that indicates compare/contrast  Well-developed introduction that explains your point about influence  Method-of-organization = Point-by-Point or Subject-by-Subject Point-by-Point or Subject-by-Subject In-text citations of reference (i.e., author, year, page) In-text citations of reference (i.e., author, year, page) Conclusion Conclusion References List in APA format References List in APA format Illustrations page [optional] Illustrations page [optional] ***Oral Presentations—Weeks 10 & 11

3 Peer Edit  Thesis? Claim? Is it clear? Contradictory?  Is there an “Although…” statement?  Who influenced whom?  Is it point-by-point organization?  Is it Subject-by-subject organization?  How are the mechanics—spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar? Do you see a pattern of errors?—What is it?

4  Competencies/Learning Objectives:  1. Understand the nature and purpose of the fundamentals of the formal  writing process.  2.Understand the components of a research paper  3. Understand how to evaluate a source  4. Understand how to read, reread, and respond to what you have read  5.Understand how to read and summarize  6. Develop the ability to take initial ideas to a finished paper  7.Understand the difference between a well-structured paragraph and a poorly  structured paragraph  8.Incorporate an awareness of audience into your writing  9.Cite source information accurately so that others can repeat your research

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