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Eggs on Ice | Oocyte Cryopreservation Pamela Abraham Alex Andujar Dave Dosberg Bob Mullen Andrea Tepolt.

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Presentation on theme: "Eggs on Ice | Oocyte Cryopreservation Pamela Abraham Alex Andujar Dave Dosberg Bob Mullen Andrea Tepolt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eggs on Ice | Oocyte Cryopreservation Pamela Abraham Alex Andujar Dave Dosberg Bob Mullen Andrea Tepolt

2 Background A woman’s fertility begins to decline at 27 and then even more so at 35 Up until now freezing eggs has been impossible New reproductive technology

3 Research Questions What attitudes and values do the target market have? What motivates the target market? What are the lifestyles of the target market?

4 Recent Trends in America’s Families “Family households” fell 18% since 1970 Proportion remaining childless and delay of childbearing has risen 20% now postpone pregnancy until after age 35

5 Reactions in the Media “It’s a fantastic way of allowing women to beat back the clock and release some of that awful tension between our bodies and our minds. It’s a conflict that men don’t have—having to choose between slowing down to have a family or foregoing having kids naturally in order to consummate their career potential.” -Melanie Girton, 35, lawyer “…there’s a classist element to it--- it’s only available to women of a certain economic level.” -Dixie Feldman, 43, no kids

6 Survey 50 questionnaires were completed by women within the Boston area, ages ranging from 22 to 35. - How do women feel about their careers and having children? - Do they feel pressure to have children soon. - What are their lives like? - How can they best be reached?

7 alex

8 Results Respondents are ambitious and dedicated to their careers and personal growth. Have strong feelings regarding the optimal family structure and their ideas of a family strictly adhere to the nuclear family concept. Worked hard in every aspect of their lives to this point (career, education, becoming established, etc.) and will continue with this level of dedication when it comes time for them to have a family. Respondents appear to be more interested in their careers than in having children but to them the concept of having children is simply “on hold” but is still something that is very important to them.

9 Focus Group Two focus group sessions were conducted. Roundtable discussion in restaurants in Boston. Objectives: - Obtain a deeper understanding of women’s attitudes toward having children and their fertility, especially in relation to their lifestyles. - Gauge reactions to product concept and to pricing.

10 Focus Group Participant Profile: - Women ages 25-36 - Single (not in a committed relationship) - W/o children but plan to have them in the future. - College graduates with Bachelor’s and/or advanced degrees.

11 Lifestyles + Interests Understanding Consumption Patterns Dedicated to Career Health Conscious Fashion “In The Know” Hang outs included a variety of local bars and lounges.

12 Perceptions of Ability to Conceive + Having Children Attitudes toward having children Perceptions of ability to conceive Attitudes toward Aging Attitudes toward Career

13 Motivations Biological Clock – Time Pressure Approach Social Pressure –Pressure from friends –Pressure from family Interest to Intent –Education is the key

14 Values Women in study do not hold any moral objections to the procedure. Women within cities are generally more progressive and open-minded to new technology.

15 Attitudes Cryopreservation + Pricing As with most new procedures there is some opposition Expectations with respect to cost varied dramatically Reaction to the $15,000 cost was mostly unsurprised At such a relatively early stage in life there are still more tangible financial concerns like paying students loans, saving up for a down payment for a house and investing.

16 Recommendations Proposed Target Market Based on the science of fertility and the psychographics of those we interviewed She has already achieved an advanced degree, bought an apartment and feels relatively fulfilled in her life by her friendships and career The thought of having a child is something she certainly sees in her future “Sex and the City”


18 Recommendations Optimal Marketing Strategy We have identified four main points of interest for these women Educational in nature, spark interest, coax anxieties and drive people to the website The two major issues: price and safety

19 Questions?

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