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SUBJECT SELECTION EVENING YR 10 into 11. PREPARATION FOR SENIOR  In 2013 asked students to choose pre senior subjects in order to help inform them about.

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Presentation on theme: "SUBJECT SELECTION EVENING YR 10 into 11. PREPARATION FOR SENIOR  In 2013 asked students to choose pre senior subjects in order to help inform them about."— Presentation transcript:


2 PREPARATION FOR SENIOR  In 2013 asked students to choose pre senior subjects in order to help inform them about their interests and abilities.  In 2014 students have “had a crack”, had the opportunity to change subjects if it wasn’t for them and firm up their thoughts about 2012.  Students have the opportunity to attend the careers market in Hervey Bay.  Students have undertaken a range of career exploration opportunities while studying Post Compulsory Prep (PCP)  Students will complete a SET Plan confirming their intentions for the next 2 years.

3 OUTCOMES  OP  Certificate qualification  QCE  Combination of above  NO OUTCOME IS NOT AN OPTION

4 ALDRIDGE PHILOSOPHY – Delayed specialisation Yr 11YR 11 OPYR 11 NON OP / SAS Yr 12YR 12 OPYR 12 NON OPVET Specialisation Yr 13UNIGAP YRWORKC3G

5 PATHWAYS  University OP TPP & TPP (IP) Headstart TER via Certificate and Diploma – Yr 13  Am I on track? OP estimations end Yr 11 and mid Yr 12

6 PATHWAYS  School based Apprenticeships & Traineeships Julie Terry School to Work Officer Advertised positions – job application  Cerificate III Guarantee Fee free courses in the year after school

7 QCE  This replaces the Senior Certificate.  Students don’t automatically gain a QCE on completion of yr 12.  A QCE must be earned by: Attending and participating in all subjects.  Attendance should be 95% – 100%. Passing subjects that are chosen.  Must achieve at least a C standard each semester. Failing to achieve this will most likely result in cancellation of enrolment at Aldridge.

8 QCE continued  There are numerous rules surrounding gaining a QCE. The main issues are: Must achieve 20 credits (4 credits for most subjects) Must have 3 subjects that you study continuously for the 2 years Must have met the requirements for literacy and numeracy

9 QCE continued  Don’t PANIC  Our senior coordinator and Vet coordinator will monitor this for every student at each reporting juncture.

10 OP  For students aiming for tertiary entry into Diploma or Degree courses straight after school (2017).  Requires students to study at least 5 authority subjects for 2 years.  At Aldridge we expect students to study 6 subjects in order to minimise the risk associated with not performing well in a particular subject.

11 CERTIFICATE QUALIFICATIONS  These qualifications are drawn from national industry based training and allow specialisation in specific industries.  Students undertaking study in these areas are normally aiming to enter into a blended version of training and employment. Eg traineeship, cadetship, apprenticeship, TAFE training programs.

12 SENIOR PROGRAM  Students study 6 subjects for 7 lessons per fortnight.  Most students have Day 5 (every second Friday without timetabled classes).  Most students will have 3 spare lessons throughout the fortnight.  Students with offline subjects will have more spares in lieu.

13 SUBJECT SELECTION  Students carried out a trial selection to inform the lines presented on subject selection form.  Subject selection form Handout

14 SET PLAN  The Senior Education and Training Plan is devised to engage parents and students in planning for the future.  The state government expects that all students will achieve either an OP, a QCE or a Certificate III by the age of 24.  For year 10 students the rules are that: You must remain at school until you turn 17 or Gain full time employment (25hrs min) or Gain a certificate III

15 SET PLAN cont  Students are required to complete their SET Plan on “oneschool”.  The plan will be confirmed at the SETplan interview (held in weeks 7 and 8) – letter  Students will have received at least 2 lessons of preparation in creating their plans in PCP.

16 UNIVERSITY STUDIES  Some Universities offer subjects for senior students in semester 2 Yr 11 and Semester 1 Yr 12.  As these become available we will notify students  These are subjects over and above school courses.  Advantage of these is that they are HECs exempt which save time and money from a uni course.

17 WORK @ HOME  Senior results will have a strong link to the amount and quality of work that students complete at home.  Maximum results arise from completing around 4hrs study / homework per night – 6 nights per week.  We feel that a reasonable expectation is 2hrs per night.

18 WORK @ HOME cont  Some students spend approximately 25 hours per week on facebook or their phone.  If you allow your children to do this they will not reach their potential and will reduce their choices for the future.

19 GOAL SETTING  There is very strong evidence to suggest that students with a learning goal / achievement goal will perform better.  Eg OP4 to do architecture This is the lowest OP accepted last year Must aim to get at least a 3 OP estimator will guide their progress.

20 ATTENDANCE  If you are not here – you can’t learn what we are teaching.  95% - anything less is unacceptable.  Please do not condone absence when it is not absolutely genuine. Kids do not know what is best – sometimes given the choice they will do what they want – not what is right!

21 SUMMARY  Decide OP or Not  Choose subjects accordingly  Do the work required  Attend  Set learning goals

22 THANKYOU  Staff are available to discuss any of the matters raised tonight.

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