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A presentation by Drew Sherman and Devon Hickey  Before we begin we would like to say what you will witness…  The history of the steam engine.  James.

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2 A presentation by Drew Sherman and Devon Hickey

3  Before we begin we would like to say what you will witness…  The history of the steam engine.  James Watt’s financial success through the steam engine.  Where steam engines are now.  How steam could affect the future.

4  In our current unit we have been learning about the industrial revolution.  We have also heard of the steam engine but why is the steam engine so important?  Well to understand this you need to understand the history of the steam engine.

5  Ancient Greece was the home of scientific discovery and experimentation.  A few Greek inventions were the hula hoop and the concept of buoyancy

6 AAn ancient Greek Inventor, Heron or Hero created the first invention involving steam. TThe Aeolipile

7  In the next 1500 years no advancements in steam technology were made.  This does not mean steam was not experimented with but there were no Significant discoveries.

8  Now we return to the revolution.  The time of the steam engine has come.

9  Thomas Savery was born in Ireland  He lived a privileged life and eventually joined the army.

10  Savery created a device known as the “Miner’s Friend”.  Though not technically an engine it performed it one job exquisitely well.

11  Newcomen Improved upon Savery’s invention by reintroducing pistons.  This was the first steam engine.

12  James Watt was born in Greenock Scotland in 1736.  He married twice and had a total of seven children with four reaching adulthood.

13  James Watt was once called on to repair a Newcomen steam engine.  Watt saw ways to improve upon Newcomen's steam engine.  He then decided to create his own version of the steam engine.

14  To create his own model Watt needed money and he was by no means wealthy.  He needed to find a successful patron so he decided to go to his old friend John Roebuck.  Though this partnership did not last long.

15  Now that Roebuck was Bankrupt, Watt decided to head to England to meet a man name Matthew Boulton.  Boulton decided to join Watt and together they made a company known as Boulton and Watt. Selling Watt’s steam engines

16  In 1781 Watt once again improved upon his engine creating a rotary styled engine. This engine could power more machines at one time.  It also had a pressure gauge which was a terrific feature as it warned the workers if the steam engine was about to explode.

17  Watt and Boulton sold one of the first new engines to Richard Arkwright.  Parliament then established a patent on their engine.  For the next twenty five years they had a monopoly on the steam industry and grew very rich.

18  Thanks to Watt, steam engines were every where.  They provided many advantages.  They also allowed for the first automobiles and steamboats.  They would also bring an invention that would revolutionize the U.S., the locomotive.

19  The first automobile was invented by a French engineer named Nicholas Cugnot.  Though the steam engine was used to power it, it would not prove so useful in the end.

20  The steam engine would eventually become obsolete to the gasoline engine.  An English inventor by the name of Samuel Brown created the first truly functioning gasoline engine.

21  They were more powerful  At the time they had a more powerful fuel source.  Though ironically Brown designed his engine from the original steam engine of Thomas Newcomen.

22  Its true steam engines may seem obsolete in today’s society but some still remain.  Steam engines today are used to power small operations and simple appliances.  They are powered by nearly any form of material that can provided a heat source.

23  Steam engines have a possible place in the future because they can use many fuel supplies they could also use solar energy.  They also could be made to use silicon as a fuel source which would let off a CO2 free exhaust.

24  It took many Inventors and lots time to bring the steam engine to perfection.  Gasoline engines were eventually used instead of steam.  Steam engines are now more or less obsolete  Though steam engines could be possibly be more common in the near future.

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