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Bellringer 1 Explain in complete sentences what are world supply and demands of coal.

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1 Bellringer 1 Explain in complete sentences what are world supply and demands of coal.


3 3 Environmental problems associated with fossil fuel use

4 4 What uses does coal have nowadays?  Burning of coal can create electricity  When coal is made into coke there are many by- products, such as benzol, ammonium compounds and tar  Tar is one of the source to produce town-gas in Hong Kong

5 5 What are the problems with the use of coal? 1.Mining coal can cause environmental damage: i.Solid waste produced from mining process, like silts from stone washing and dust ii.Collapse of the overlying strata  Damage to buildings, roads, underground pipes, sewers and cables, and to agriculture through the disruption of drainage systems 2.Low energy value  increase in the amount of coal used 3.Exhaustion of coal reserves

6 6 4.Air pollution (local problem): Smog: Mixture of smoke and fog  cause a health hazard e.g. London  P.8 / Los Angeles 5.Emission of SO 2 and NO x gases(Global problem): Complete combustion  only CO 2 and H 2 O produced Incomplete combustion and impurities: Produce ash (contaminated with tarry unburnt hydrocarbons), SO 2 and NO x gases

7 7 What uses does oil have?  Create valuable fuel products (e.g. petrol and diesel oil) and petrol-chemical products (e.g. plastics, fertilizers and detergents)  Farming machines  mechanization of farming  Industrial use  Provide energy for the development of basic infrastructure

8 8  Provide energy for the extensive transportation systems and advanced communication networks  Improvement in the living standards

9 9 What are the problems with the use of oil?  Environmental Problems: 1.Air pollution : Burning of oil  CO 2, NO x,SO 2, CO, hydrocarbon would be emitted i. Illness: Cause respiratory illnesses: Asthma, irritate the throat and eyes ii.Greenhouse effect, acid rain and smog: Emission of CO 2  Greenhouse effect  climatic change SO 2 and NO react with rain  Acid rain Smog: Mixture of smoke and fog  cause a health hazard e.g. : London  P.8 of your notes Los Angeles

10 10 2.Water pollution i. Spillage from tankers involved in accidents e.g. Alaska Oil spill ii. Tankers at sea washing out their oil tanks iii. Oil seeping from oil pipelines and oil refineries, most of which are on the coast iv. Oil leaking from offshore oil rigs v. Waste from factories making goods from oil by-products

11 11 3.Soil pollution i.Chemicals made from oil by-products, and used in agriculture e.g. fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides ii.Disposal of oil-related waste products which do not completely degrade or disintegrate in the environment

12 12 Why is the use of natural gas on the rise? Advantages: 1.High energy content 2.Cleanliness 3.Convenience and flexible 4.Easy to control 5.Can be transported by pipeline quickly and easily 6.Can be liquefied and transported by gas tanker 7.Only leave water vapor and CO 2 when burns

13 13 Is it possible to alleviate these problems? How? Yes. How? Major objective to alleviate the problem: Reduce the use of fossil fuels  Extraction would be reduced and thus the pollution problem occurred could be alleviated Solutions: i.Increase the efficiency of fossil-fuel use  Reduce emissions by producing more energy services with the same amount of fuel ii.Develop non-fossil sources that can substitute economically on a large scale

14 14 iii.To encourage the reduction in consumptions of oil products iv.To use more energy-efficient equipment for heating,cooling and lighting

15 15 What are the obstacles for tackling these problems? 1)Strong institutional pressure (regulation, taxation, subsidy) 2)Often used as economic or even political weapon among countries (e.g. OPEC) 3)Inertia: Costly to abandon expensive equipment before its useful life is completed

16 16 4)Costs would be extremely high because: I.unreturned investments on the original equipment II.the non-fossil technologies developed to date are still expensive and limited in supply 5)Costs would be unevenly distributed: most oppressive for the developing nations, because they are least able to pay and their energy needs are growing rapidly

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