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Do You Remember?. What element is this? How many P, N, & E? 29 63.5.

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Presentation on theme: "Do You Remember?. What element is this? How many P, N, & E? 29 63.5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do You Remember?

2 What element is this?

3 How many P, N, & E? 29 63.5

4 What do we call these types of atoms?

5 What type of bond?


7 Hint: these are water molecules)

8 What type of bond?

9 What do these have in common? Big Bang Fusion in stars Supernovas

10 Which list makes up 90+% WHOLE earth? Iron 35-40% Oxygen 25-30 % Silicon 13-15% Magnesium 10% Oxygen 47% Silicon 28 % Aluminum 8% Iron 5% How do you know?

11 4 Characteristics of ALL Minerals 1. 2. 3. 4.

12 Mineral Families You can tell which family a mineral belongs to by looking at its formula. There are 9 families to learn:

13 1.Native elements Minerals that are from 1 element –Gold: Au –Copper: Cu –Silver: Ag –Carbon: C –Sulfur: S

14 2. Halides Halogen Group. Halite: NaCl – salt, rock salt Fluorite: CaF2

15 3. Oxides Minerals with oxygen –Ice H20 –Corundum Al2O3 –Hematite (Fe2O3) –Magnetite (Fe3O4),

16 4. Sulfides Minerals with sulfur; rotten egg smell Galena (PbS for lead used in pipes and bullets), Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2, copper & iron ore AKA fool’s gold) Pyrrhotite (Fe4S) Pyrite – Iron ore – cars, steel buildings (FeS2) Sphalorite - ZnS Bornite – Cu5FeS4 copper ore – pipes, wire

17 5. Carbonates Minerals with Carbonate (C03) Calcite – (CaCO3), – very abundant Dolomite – (CaMg(CO3)2) lime Azurite - Cu3(CO3)2 Malachite – Cu2(CO3)( copper ore and ornamental

18 6. Sulfates Minerals with Sulfate S04 gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2O), – plaster of Paris, wall board barite (BaSO4)

19 7. Hydroxides Minerals with a metal plus hydroxide (OH-) limonite (iron hydroxide) Fe40i(OH)2 bauxite (aluminum hydroxide) Al(OH)3

20 8. Phosphates Minerals with a metal plus phosphate (PO4) –Apatite - Ca5(PO4)3F

21 9. Silicates Minerals with silicate tetrahedron SiO4 90% of rock forming minerals Not ores Examples: Quartz (most common mineral) Opal, talc, mica, hornblende, topaz, feldspar,olivine Look for Si O in formulas KAlSi3O8, Al2SiO4, SiO2*H2O

22 Different Arrangements of SiO4

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