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 How it Affects our Daily Living!.  Person’s basic outlook on life  2 types = Positive or negative  Responses to situations, issues, or people defines.

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Presentation on theme: " How it Affects our Daily Living!.  Person’s basic outlook on life  2 types = Positive or negative  Responses to situations, issues, or people defines."— Presentation transcript:

1  How it Affects our Daily Living!

2  Person’s basic outlook on life  2 types = Positive or negative  Responses to situations, issues, or people defines your type!

3  Mental – beliefs that come to mind  Emotional – feelings you sense related to the topic  Behavioral – ways to behave in regards to the topic  EX. Joan dislikes Spanish class. o Joan enters Spanish class and shouts “I HATE THIS CLASS! IT IS SOOO BORING.” o Joan spends all class period fighting to sit and do nothing because she hates this class so much

4  Heredity  Environment  Personal experiences  Serotonin o Chemical in the brain that affects mood and attitude o Higher levels=more optimistic o Lower levels=easily depressed and discouraged

5  Physical activity  Exposure to brighter light (Get out in that sun, don’t be a vamp!)  Healthy diet – improves mood and agreeableness

6  Negative attitudes need attention  Cooperation and respect may be lost  Acquires a bad rep  Physical appearance may be affected  Brings down others  People may rarely want to be around you

7  More likely to build healthy relationships  Overall, happier person  More approachable  Boost immune system (sick less often!!)  High self-esteem  Longer life-span  Reach your goals!  Ability to motivate yourself and others  People RESPECT you

8  Use your willpower to change your behavior...THINK… o Is this necessary? o What am I gaining by behaving this way? o What am I trying to prove? o Is my behavior going to change the situation?  Gather more information on subject to change your thoughts on the subject


10  Look on the bright side of every situation  Surround yourself with people who are positive and make you feel GOOD!




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