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 Never finished high school- read a great deal and developed an interest in writing  His hometown of Oxford, Mississippi became the basis for the imaginary.

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Presentation on theme: " Never finished high school- read a great deal and developed an interest in writing  His hometown of Oxford, Mississippi became the basis for the imaginary."— Presentation transcript:

1  Never finished high school- read a great deal and developed an interest in writing  His hometown of Oxford, Mississippi became the basis for the imaginary world of Yoknapatawpha County (the setting of many of his novels and stories)  Used jumbled time sequences, stream-of-consciousness narration, dialect, page-long sentences to show “the human heart in conflict with itself” (p. 858) WILLIAM FAULKNER

2  Miss Emily and her father live in their grand house where the father rejected any and all suitors who try to win Miss Emily’s heart  After her father dies, Miss Emily is left all alone, penniless and not ready to admit that he has died (until the town forcibly removes his body three days postmortem)  She finally meets a man named Homer Barron, and the two of them strike up a relationship “A ROSE FOR EMILY”

3  The use of clues to suggest events that have yet to occur  Builds anticipation in the minds of readers about what might happen next and adds dramatic tension to a story Batman Begins foreshadowing example Lieutenant Gordon produces an evidence bag containing a playing card, before explaining to Batman that a new menace is threatening Gotham's streets. "Take this guy. Armed robbery, double homicide,” he begins. “Got a taste for the theatrical like you. Leaves a calling card…” How It Pays Off: The calling card is a joker, setting up The Dark Knight's storyline with significant flair FORESHADOWING

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