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Nathan Chen Stuart Guan. North and Central America South America Africa Europe Asia and Oceania.

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1 Nathan Chen Stuart Guan


3 North and Central America South America Africa Europe Asia and Oceania

4 847,620 sq. km –23% Yukon 1,706,388 sq. km –7% Mackenzie 239,245 sq. km –0% Thelon 248,016 sq. km –7% Fraser 1,093,141 sq. km –21% Nelson 657,501 sq. km –22% Columbia 78,757 sq. km –26% Sacramento 3,202,185 sq. km –52% Mississippi 703,148 sq. km –43% Colorado 1,049,636 sq. km –31% Saint Lawrence 78,672 sq. km –14% Susquehanna 41,906 sq. km –9% Hudson 138,139 sq. km –25% Alabama and Tombigbee 137,098 sq. km –81% Brazos 607,955 sq. km –52% Rio Grande 136,694 sq. km –52% Rio Grande de Santiago 79,162 sq. km –16% Yaqui 117,095 sq. km - 29% Balsas 78,720 sq. km - 37% San Pedro & Usamacinta Loss of Original Forest Cover

5 Watershed encompasses 40% of the U.S. The Mississippi River is the largest and longest in terms of discharge (Average 17,330 m 3 /sec) World’s second largest basin Greatest concern today is “The Dead Zone” The problem is nutrient load generated less oxygen Possible solutions include improved farm management and restoration of forest and wetlands removing the excess nutrients.

6 Magdalena – 10,191Orinoco – 90,482Amazon – 273,767Tocantins – 103,383Parnaiba – 7,729Sao Francisco – 8,261Parana – 8,025Uruguay – 32,731Lake Titicaca and Salar de Uyuni – 15,980Rio Colorado – 3,196Chubut – 171,362 Water Supply per Person (m 3 /person/year)

7 Contains 1/5 of the worlds fresh water Flows 12 times faster than Mississippi River Tropical Rain Forest supplies over half of the planet’s oxygen High point in the watershed (the peak of Yerupajá)[6,635 m] Water flows from Pacific Ocean forming the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean Outstanding Animal life > 5,000 species

8 Average Population Density (people per sq. km)

9 Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia Lake Turkana supports the wildlife and locals Ineffective drainage becoming an arid scrubland Increased evolutionary plant life of C4 plants Most sensitive area to temperature and influx of weather No transboundary agreement with the other larger basin nearby stressing Lake Turkana Area – the cradle of mankind

10 1 – Duero 2 – Kizilirmak 29 – Guadalquivir 31 – Kemijoki, Glomma- Laagen, and Eboro 33 - North Dvina 39 – Seine, Tagus 40 - Lake Ladoga, Garonne 41 – Dalalven 43 – Loire 44 – Oder 47 – Po, Kura-Araks 48 – Ural, Weser 49 – Don 50 - West Dvina, Dnieper 51 - Elbe 57 – Nistru 58 – Rhone 59 – Vistula 60 - Rhine-Maas 88 – Volga 92 - Tigris & Euphrates Number of Fish Species

11 Monstrous fish weighing as much as 300 lbs Economic life dependent on the rivers and the oil revenues of Iraq Lots of desiccated marshland and soil nutrient depletion Lack of international agreement Turkey’s dams reduced water flow into Iraq Tensions run high on water management GAP project (22 dams and 19 hydropower plant) split

12 0% Pechora, Yenisey, Lena, Indigirka, Kolyma, Kapuas, Mahakam, Fly, Sepik 0%-1% Ob, Tarim, Amur, Salween 1%-5% Lake Balkhash, Yalu Jiang, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Irrawaddy, Red River, Burdekin-Belyando, Dawson, Murray-Darling 5%-10% Syr Darya, Amu Darya, Pearl River, Yangtze, Yellow River 10%-15% Tapti, Godavari 15%- 20% Mahanadi, Krishna 20%-25% Indus, Ganges, Narmada Percent Irrigated Cropland

13 Area = 1.81 million sq. km Food staple of China – Rice for 1.3 billion people Fertile soil highly favorable to agriculture Contributes to > half of China’s crop production (2/3) is rice Severe droughts and irregular rainfall result in crop loss Solution - modern irrigation projects like the Three Gorges Project


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