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SQUADS #1 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Sentence Structure and Formation 13-15 2.

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Presentation on theme: "SQUADS #1 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Sentence Structure and Formation 13-15 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQUADS #1 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Sentence Structure and Formation 13-15 2. Sentence Structure and Formation 16-19 3. Topic Development in Terms of Purpose and Focus 16-19 4. Word Choice in Terms of Style, Tone, Clarity, and Economy 13-15 Success Criteria – I will know I am successful if I can identify: 1-2 the best sentence arrangement 3-4 word choice that enhances the purpose and focus of the essay. “10 th Grade English” CPW 22

2 10 th Grade CPW English Directions You will have 1 minute and 30 seconds to work on each question individually. – There will be a stopwatch timer included on each slide for the teacher to set so you can keep track. After you have completed each question individually, you will have 1 minute and 30 seconds to work as a group and decide on the best answer and rationale.

3 10 th Grade English #1.As a student in Seoul, Korea (arriving in a plane) I learned to love its fiery cuisine and hectic streets. A. NO CHANGE B. Korea (and it was in a plane I arrived) C. Korea (traveling there in a plane) D. Korea,

4 10 th Grade English #2.My strongest impression of Korean cooking can be summed up in just one word: kimchi. Kimchi is cabbage cut into strips, rolled into cylinders with peppers and garlic and ginger, left to ferment for weeks in large black pots, and then served cold. In row after row of huge pots gracing alleys and rooftops, batches of kimchi age to real perfection. A. NO CHANGE B. popular perfection. C. be the way the Koreans like it. D. a tongue-searing degree of spicy heat.

5 10 th Grade English #3.Haggling can be intense and confusing. The streets themselves are bewildering. As in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, the streets in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, are confusing. A. NO CHANGE B. Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, also has, like Seoul, the capital of South Korea, confusing streets. C. Both Washington, D.C., America’s capital, and Seoul, South Korea’s capital, have confusing streets. D. DELETE the underlined portion.

6 10 th Grade English #4.Few avenues seem to have names and no buildings with numbers. A. NO CHANGE B. no buildings having, C. no buildings seem to have D. seemingly none of the buildings with

7 CPW 10 th Grade English Exchange your answer sheet with that of another squad… Launch the ANSWERS video.ANSWERS

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