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Review Questions 1. What were the three views the French had about emancipating Jews? 2. What was the Parisian Sanhedrin and why was it significant? 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Questions 1. What were the three views the French had about emancipating Jews? 2. What was the Parisian Sanhedrin and why was it significant? 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Questions 1. What were the three views the French had about emancipating Jews? 2. What was the Parisian Sanhedrin and why was it significant? 3. How did Napoleon spread emancipation throughout Europe? 4. Was Napoleon Bonaparte good for the Jews?

2 Emerging Patterns of Religious Adjustment Part I

3 “How Can I be Jewish and still participate in the Modern World?  Convert to Christianity Judaism not relevant Get ahead  Assimilate culturally Learn language of the land Go to public schools Study secular subjects

4 “How Can I be Jewish and still participate in the Modern World?  Identify nationally Judaism as a religion Hope will end anti-Semitism No longer need to pray for return to Zion  Adapt religiously Bring 2 worlds together Adapt ritual so it doesn’t separate Learn from Christians

5 Israel Jacobson (1768-1828)  German businessman and philanthropist  1801 School  1805 Temple  Aesthetic changes to worship service Wore a robe and collar Adds organ music & a choir Gives sermons in German Shortens the service

6 Hamburg Temple (1818)  Similar to Jacobson’s temple Organ music Sermon in German  Other Changes Prayers in unison No talking No partition between men and women

7 Hamburg Temple Prayerbook(1819)  Reflects reform philosophy  Changes Included: Opened like German book Added German Translations Removes prayers  Causes Controversy Some liked changes Some thought should tinker with these things

8 “These Are the Words of the Covenant”  Primary Source Study (p. 167 – 168, From 1 st par. – “ingathering of the exiles on p. 168) Excerpt from a book of responsa written by the Hamburg Rabbinical Court Other rabbis from around Europe were also enlisted to support the views put forth in this book

9 Reform Response  “The Sword Which Avenges the Covenant” (by Meyer Israel Bresselau, published anonymously) Title is Biblical quote Written in sophisticated Hebrew Major points  Accuses rabbis of slander  Rabbis are blind to needs of the Jewish people  Assimilation has been leading Jews away from synagogue.  Changes to worship have brought people back.

10 Next Class  Reform develops uniform position  Jewish community fractures  Development of 3 major movements: Reform Historical Positivism Orthodox

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